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Active Member
Nov 28, 2007
It was mother's day, spent the day with the family, wife and kids. It was nice and the weather was great. I received a call from a friend who I have been meaning to get together with for some time but unfortunately I always work when he is off and vice versa. We work shift work.

We decided to hit a patio since the weather was great and against my better judgment I took the GN since it was so nice. I circled the block several times trying to find a parking spot where I could at least keep an eye on it. I figured it's Sunday evening and it should be quiet. I did find a spot after about 30 minutes (I got there early for this reason) as I am sure most of you will understand but I could only see the front corner of the car from where I was sitting, at least I could see it and if it went mobile I would throw myself in front of it since it couldn't go back wards.

I am trying to enjoy a beer when my spider senses start tingling, my buddy is laughing and says sell the damn thing, you can't take it anywhere without worrying about it. He has a jeep. Don't get me wrong I drive my car and enjoy every second of it. I decide I'll go have a quick look since there are a couple of people in the area of the car and I don't like the look of them, street type kids.

As I get closer, I see a guy and his girlfriend looking at my trunk lid he says is this your car, I say yeah! He points to a freak with his face painted black and white and says he just wrote on your trunk lid. I freak and think the worst, did he write on it or scratch it. I look at the car and it says "Juggalo1" or something like that in a silver marker, the f#$%@r tagged it. :mad:

I approach him he doesn't realize it was my car, I bury my right foot in his ass and send him flying about 5 feet, crap flies out of his pockets, I think his fillings got knocked loose.

I am about to pound him and administer the appropriate street justice when a few lookers say it's not worth it man you'll get charged for this piece of crap, he's got nothing to lose. They were right. I exercised some self control which wasn't easy and didn't bother to get the police involved, instead I gave him another kick in the ass when he got mouthy, it wasn't as good as the first since he was expecting it, but it was still a solid one. He walked off and continued to be mouthy as he kept on looking over his shoulder.

Anyway, the story has a happy ending, I guess the 20 coats of wax made it a bit easier to remove the marker, I managed to get it all off with some elbow grease. Keep your eyes on your cars guys, or get a trunk monkey. I wish I had one yesterday.

Take care. If this is not appropriate pls remove, thought I'd share this.
Shoulda kicked him in the balls and stuck those markers in his ass.
I hate punks like that...I woulda cleaned it with his face:mad:. Or do something like what Sean Penn did in the movie "Colors" when he caught the gangbanger kid tagging the wall, he spray painted that kid's face with his own paint can.:biggrin:

But good kill though....
I actually was sitting asleep in my car one day waiting for my wife to come out of the doctor's office. Some old man pulls up next to me, I'm in the end parking spot, my car 1/2 over the very end line so any car parking next to me will not ding me. Anyway, this old man gets out slings his door open and dings my car without any consideration for ****. I flew off the handle and he just ignored it, like you...calling the cops would have been pointless. I waited until he went inside and I got my justice.......nice size 11 footprint/dent in his door. Sorry if anyone disagrees with my way of justice, but it beat haggling with the insurance company! And made me feel better!

Glad you got some justice at least and the marks came off........
That is so disrespectful. I know how you feel though man. Last week at school after our baseball game (Sandy Creek Patriots kick ass) me and 3 of my team mates come back to keyed cars.:mad: A 74 Mach 1, 96 Impala SS, lifted Bronco, and my 86 GN. We're like WTF:confused: . Who did this ****? A few people named the same 2 emo guys as the others did, so we've got them after a graduation party in 2 weeks. It's going down.

GREAT JOB on the 2 kicks, but i would have called the cops or made him clean it up, :mad:
I'd have put him in the trunk and took him to a secluded location were he would have been dealt with properly.

At least you got to confront that idiot. Most of us only see the damage after it's been done and never have the opportunity to confront the perpetrator.
Its got to the point i cant drive mine anywhere, i drive it to work because we have a locked gate, and someones in 24/7. I think you did good, i would have NUT THE F@#K UP.
OK I'm glad you guys agree, I was feeling a bit guilty. told my wife the story and she started with "oh the poor kid" they are just misdirected so I lost sleep that night. I am a pretty laid back guy, I spend as much time as I can with family and friends and helping people out so this is out of my nature. Like I said car is as it was, marker came off due to the 20 or so coats of wax. My foot hurts a bit though :biggrin:
Three things you DONT mess with...

A Man's Wife...

A Man's Car...

A Man's Property...

If you violate those easy things, then you reap the consequences...

I personally would have beat him bloody until you could not see his face paint, then when the cops arrived I would have claimed PTSD.... :D
Three things you DONT mess with...

A Man's Wife...

A Man's Car...

A Man's Property...

If you violate those easy things, then you reap the consequences...

I personally would have beat him bloody until you could not see his face paint, then when the cops arrived I would have claimed PTSD.... :D

Amen to that brotha. I would have lost it if I saw something like that on my car. Friggin kids today have no respect for anything.

Glad to hear the marker came off. You did a nice job of restraining yourself by the way.
Three things you DONT mess with...

A Man's Wife...

A Man's Car...

A Man's Property...

If you violate those easy things, then you reap the consequences...

I personally would have beat him bloody until you could not see his face paint, then when the cops arrived I would have claimed PTSD.... :D

Ditto! :smile:

Only thing I would do differently is, after mangling the punks face, I would have not waited for the LEO.
I actually was sitting asleep in my car one day waiting for my wife to come out of the doctor's office. Some old man pulls up next to me, I'm in the end parking spot, my car 1/2 over the very end line so any car parking next to me will not ding me. Anyway, this old man gets out slings his door open and dings my car without any consideration for ****. I flew off the handle and he just ignored it, like you...calling the cops would have been pointless. I waited until he went inside and I got my justice.......nice size 11 footprint/dent in his door. Sorry if anyone disagrees with my way of justice, but it beat haggling with the insurance company! And made me feel better!

Glad you got some justice at least and the marks came off........

Amen! The problem with this A**hole that dinged your car is that he probably doesn't give a s*** about his own car or he would be more cognizant of others'...

This other kid who tagged the trunk- He got off easy... He would've gone to the hospital and I probably would have gone to jail if it had been my car.
"Juggalos", the biggest scum bags on the planet. Wanna be gang-bangers.

"Juggalos", the biggest scum bags on the planet. Wanna be gang-bangers.


That is REAL!!!???? You have got to be jerkin' my chain. I gotta get out more. This country's going to hell in a hand-basket.

"I don't know how many of them it would have taken to whoop my a$$.....but I knew how many they were going to use."
I am glad I live in the middle of nowhere so I dont have to deal with this stuff;)
We just gotta worry about tornado's JD:biggrin:

I would rather deal with spinning wind than sit across a table with one of those tards.
"Juggalos", the biggest scum bags on the planet. Wanna be gang-bangers.


That's what they call "Insane Clown Posse" fans. At first glance, not much different from KISS fans except KISS songs were about sex, drugs, and rock and roll. ICP songs are about drugs, violence, and crime. Wanna be thug songs from a bunch of painted up, wanna be, white guys but they do have a large market including action figures, comic books, and other tie-ins. My nephew was a fan. He wasn't to the point of face paint but he collected a lot of the other stuff. Some of their songs sounded okay but IMO no real talent, just good marketing to a succeptable demographic.