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Sorry to hear that. What city was this in?
Even more sorry to hear your significant other sympathized with the perp, and made you feel bad, you taught him a valuable lesson not available in any psychiatrist's couch.
2 weeks after I got my 87 GN, wife and I were at Walgreens and when we came out, there was a 4x4 Dodge truck parked about 1ft away from the passenger side at an angle. No room for me to get between truck and car. I eyeballed the car and saw a white mark on the door from his door. Waited for the owner to come out and noticed a woman sitting in the truck. A lady in the parking lot came over and told me he slammed the door into mine and waited to see who would come out 1st. The woman in the truck refused to look over at me so I keyed the driver side of the bed. About 2ft long scratches. Then the guy came out with beer and the parking lot lady said "he owns the truck". I proceeded to make quite a scene in the parking lot. He was going to get into his truck and move back so I could get a look at the white paint transfer but I told him I would move. He went to touch it while saying "that'll come out" and I slapped his hand away and yelled "DON'T TOUCH MY CAR AGAIN!!!":mad: I got his license plate and my wife told him "have a nice day, a$$hole" and we left. I think his "wife" or whoever she was told him I scratched his truck after I backed out of the parking lot. He never got my plate.:smile:
Sorry to hear that. What city was this in?
Even more sorry to hear your significant other sympathized with the perp, and made you feel bad, you taught him a valuable lesson not available in any psychiatrist's couch.

I live in Ottawa Ontario, the Nation's capital. It's a nice city but the downtown core has a few undesirables calling it home.
That why you should always carry your dewalt drill,so you can dill holes in their roof when they disrespect your gn.

Evil, pure evil:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
In my older age I tend to think a little more before acting but that would've been an instant ass-whooping. That was not an ignorant person accidentally door dinging you, that was a willful destruction of property. People have no respect these days. My 2 year old TL is an example of this. It has tons of chips and door dings from people not caring. IMO, sometimes you have to teach respect.