Oh my god.........the horrer............


Jun 13, 2007
MY EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek: I don't know if this has been posted before, but I was F'ng around on svt performance . com and I cam accross this thread...........WARNING HAVE EYEWASH READY:

sorry. Try this:

That has in fact been posted before. Looking at that pic feels like getting sand thrown in your eyes.
I like it! Has a nice 60's feel to it - the 1860's :). Just needs a team of horses and a bench seat on the roof and it would be a nice looking buckboard :).
I don't see a wing and the hood scoop almost looks aftermarket. Maybe a GN was spared?

I think it is a GN. Look at the crease across the trunk lid.Sure looks like a spoiler. There is a colored blob on the fender where the emblems go.
There should seriously be a division of the police department that is empowered to pull over people who do these kinds of things and confiscate (sp?) their cars. "Do you know why I pulled you over sir?"

"Was I speeding officer?"

"No, actually I pulled you over because you are a F'ng Jerk off and you are suspected in the destruction / disfiguration of a classic american muscle car. Step out of the vehi......uhhhh **** wagon please sir and place your hands behind your head.":D

The car should then be donated to an unfortunate car lover that doesn't have the means to buy his own muscle car - one that will treat it nicely.
I'd never seen one of those in real life until a few weeks ago in Tampa. Dude in a Regal that looked just like that (except in red) came flying past me on a ramp. He had to be going 80 MPH around that corner (wasn't a real tight corner, but a corner nonetheless). I didn't think they were that stable? I didn't want to be anywhere near the thing at those speeds.
