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Oh so close tonight at track...maybe next time


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RCA: Home of the The Jack
May 25, 2001
Hi All,
My tuner fArtie "Lahaie" Paltz (master of getting cars down hot and greasy racetracks) headed to Etown tonight to do some further tweaking on Newman, the Rich's Autos "other" stage 2 car.

After some minor problems 2 weeks ago, we thru the Rich's Auto technology center went back over much data, video, super slo mo, in car camera and various interviews with Parker Johnstone and reading between the lines were able to correct our launch boost problem.

With new data inputted we headed to Etown for the afternoon session.

1st run out of our technology center we went 10.07@ 132 with a 1.392 60' foot at 24-25 psi. We were happy and thinking that with some tweaking and a couple more pounds of boost we can get her to single digits.

fArtie went to work on the data, while I signed autographs at the ropes for all the fans and met with our various Powerade and Checker Shucks Kragen sponsors.

Next couple runs were all in the 10.1 range with boost staying around the same and fArtie tweaking the FAST. fArtie Lahaie noticed that according to our short times it appeared that the track was starting to go away as the next couple runs I was noticeably frying the hot dogs off the line. He confered with starter Rick Stewart that in fact track temps had gone up and getting a handle on this tricky track with the new tires was gonna require all that fArtie had.

We played with boost a bit and was only able to get another pound or so, we are thinking we may have an exhaust leak as we tried tightening the wastegate spring to no avail.

fArtie plays with the tune some more and confers with Lee Beard and Alan Johnson and we go out again as it is getting late and staging lanes are about to be shut down.

We had noticed that the NHRA track maintenance folks were out with the cleaners and brooms and it appeared that a fresh coat of VHT was laid down as the large amount of street radial tire cars there and their propensity to cause oil/rubber purlolation can ruin a track.

fArtie states "Richie I think the track is gonna come around for us and in the nick of time". I told him lets give it another shot. fArtie Lahaie says "Keep an eye on the boost as we do not want to put a cyclinder out nor cause the burst panel to rupture at half track". I told him I would and if I saw any signs of danger I would get out of it but if all was well I was gonna keep my foot in it as I wanted to win the Wally.

Next to last pass car leaves hard at a 1.39 60' and we go 10.04@133.........oh so close but no cigar. I did everything right, left hard on transbrake, I hit all my shift points which you can see in the in car camera and she was moving good as I can see all the C16 just a belging out of the tailpipes and all candles were lit. So it wasn't to be.

After the mandatory interview at the top end and yet another Powerade hat and drink I told Parker I had to get back as we were already on the 75 minute turnaround clock. My crew and fArtie Lahaie were already hard at work as we knew we were only gonna get one more shot at single digits.

I gotta thank my crew for all their hard work and dedication as we made the turnaround and headed out for one more shot, only yet again it was not to be. Car went 10.04@133 yet again with a 1.40 60's. It was at that point we knew the Wally wasn't going to be ours tonight and we would have to try harder next time. I thanked all our sponsors and promised we'd try to do better next time so we can get into the single digits and get our competition license.

Overall fArtie and I can't complain, we got some good data to work with and the car was able to drive on and off the trailer at the end of the night, that in itself is a victory.

We will try to do better next time for all our sponsors and fans, we want to thank all our fans for their support because without it we would not be where we are today. Like Artie and I said....."We don't do this for ourselves, we do it for all the young kids out there". So you kids remember that "Stay in school and listen to your parents".
IT gonna be a race between you and me Rich, I need aweek or so for the new turbo to get here, So you better get to work. Now that Jim is a thing of the past he is no longer a concern of ours;)
Originally posted by KLHAMMETT
IT gonna be a race between you and me Rich, I need aweek or so for the new turbo to get here, So you better get to work. Now that Jim is a thing of the past he is no longer a concern of ours;)

Agreed.......sure we will both get there with a few tweaks.

Yes I agree Jim is a thing of the past and no longer a concern.........remember it's us against Jim.
Sounds like Newman is finally coming around. I'm sure when you get some cooler weather you will see a 9 for sure.

Are you or any of the Rich's group going to the BPG Nationals?

Good Luck
Originally posted by NastyGn
Are you or any of the Rich's group going to the BPG Nationals?

Good Luck
DAmn, If i didnt jusy buy new GTQ 76 for my car i would be going, But as of this moment the funds are now not available.
Originally posted by NastyGn
Sounds like Newman is finally coming around. I'm sure when you get some cooler weather you will see a 9 for sure.

Are you or any of the Rich's group going to the BPG Nationals?

Good Luck

>>>> Neal,

Yeah we are starting to make some progress. I don't think we are gonna make the BPG Nats as much as we like to. The reason being a bunch of us started new jobs and time off is at a premium, some of us may drive out just to watch if we can.
So close! Gotta stick it out, the team will come around. Just dont bad mouth the crew chief on national TV like u know who last week end.:D

I missed it but what did the problem turn out to be?
Originally posted by Louie L.

I missed it but what did the problem turn out to be?
2 corrupt cells in the VE table that changed by themselves
Its happened to me on my a/f table
Originally posted by KLHAMMETT
2 corrupt cells in the VE table that changed by themselves
Its happened to me on my a/f table

How did you find it ? Were the cells corrected in the program to fix it or was the old program reloaded.
Reason I ask is im having some similar issues but have not found anything mechanically or electrically wrong.
So what's the combo on Newman's Stage2 car?? Please give us some details......

BTW Rich, I love your sig especially this part....

"Art's typing fingers, FAST, & Guidance"

:D ;)
Originally posted by Louie L.
How did you find it ? Were the cells corrected in the program to fix it or was the old program reloaded.
Reason I ask is im having some similar issues but have not found anything mechanically or electrically wrong.
seen the numbers just by looking at the tables. and there they were
Originally posted by Louie L.
How did you find it ? Were the cells corrected in the program to fix it or was the old program reloaded.
Reason I ask is im having some similar issues but have not found anything mechanically or electrically wrong.

>>> Louie,

We will certainly stick it out and weather will get cooler for sure.

Ottos pretty much said what we found but part that freaked us out was car ran fine 2 weeks ago and sat for 1 hour and then problem occurred.

Last Sunday night (after taking wastegate off to be rebuilt and having conv cut open) was in the 4-5 psi range down low in four cells were the numbers 10,13, 10,13 and Art and I know we did not put them there.

I am starting to wonder if there is a problem with my racecar laptop or something in the box. So now before I take a run we look at the A/F, timing and fuel tables to make sure no rouge numbers pop up.

If I find out anything more Louie I will let you know and if you find something let me know too. Stay well bud.
Originally posted by 86brick
So what's the combo on Newman's Stage2 car?? Please give us some details......

BTW Rich, I love your sig especially this part....

"Art's typing fingers, FAST, & Guidance"

:D ;)

>>>> Stage 2 off center block, GN1s, 76 turbo, 400 with a brake, Art Carr 9" conv, PTE FMIC, Stewie Decal on opera windows.

Glad ya like the
Originally posted by Buicksx2
>>> Louie,

We will certainly stick it out and weather will get cooler for sure.

Ottos pretty much said what we found but part that freaked us out was car ran fine 2 weeks ago and sat for 1 hour and then problem occurred.

Last Sunday night (after taking wastegate off to be rebuilt and having conv cut open) was in the 4-5 psi range down low in four cells were the numbers 10,13, 10,13 and Art and I know we did not put them there.

I am starting to wonder if there is a problem with my racecar laptop or something in the box. So now before I take a run we look at the A/F, timing and fuel tables to make sure no rouge numbers pop up.

If I find out anything more Louie I will let you know and if you find something let me know too. Stay well bud.

Thanks for the info Rich. This gives me something to look for.. This is the second time i hear about this issue. I will let you know what i find.
Originally posted by Buicksx2
>>>> Neal,
The reason being a bunch of us started new jobs and time off is at a premium, some of us may drive out just to watch if we can.

I never heard of such a thing. I never heard John Force or Larry Dixion not going racing when they got a new sposnor.

I sure will miss seeing the Jack since I last saw it's awsome work at Bristol. I'm sure there are some improvements made over the years.

Be Well
Yeah Richie, we were so close. Even with the track going away a little and with the humidity and threatening rain I think we still did real good. When I saw the cloud cover coming out and covering the left lane I made a last minute lane change to ensure we had the traction at half track when the clutch stages went 1:1. I was hoping that the added traction would make up for the worsening weather conditions.

I took the time to go through the record books. You have now officially moved into second place in the all time Central Jersey TR ET record books. For those not familiar, “The Central Jersey TR ET Record” encompasses all of Middlesex and Monmouth counties including the towns of Kenilworth and Basking Ridge. It’s the premier TR title in our area. This means that the number one and two cars are now both products of the Rich’s Custom Auto stable. I’m sure that “other” shop isn’t going to be too happy with first being knocked into second place 2 years ago and then knocked into third this past Saturday. Maybe if they actually raced they might become a contender again some day. I’m sure by then we’ll have put a solid half second between second and third place so they’ll have their work cut out for them!

I think with the new tire change NHRA threw at us we did real well but we’ve still got some more work ahead of us. With a little more suspension work we should be able to get the tire speed we need to get short times and MPH we need. We’ll probably need to work a little on the aero package of the car in the rear. I think we’re getting some wind buffeting in the rear quarters that’s causing us to slow down some. We’re going to have to work on the spill plates of the quarter panels and see if we can get NHRA’s Technical Director Graham Light to agree to a rule change regarding the trailing edges.

We’ll get there but not this weekend. With the western swing coming to an end we won’t be able to make it to E-Town. We should be there the weekend after that or maybe a Wednesday night.

Congrats again on moving into the number 2 slot on the all time Central Jersey TR ET record books. It’s quite an honor and has to make the crew feel great!

Art “fArtie Lahaie” Paltz

To tell ya the truth I didn't really think about the record books of central jersey and who's running what as far as ETs go with stage blocks, but now that ya bought it up it is nice to be bumped to the # 2 spot right behind you in certain central and northern jersey counties.

I think we had a good day yesterday at Richs Auto, working on the aero package on Newman to help give her some more stability as we head down the 1320.

With what we did yesterday we will be able to place those just recently ordered big ole sticky Mickey Thompsons down the track.

These tires should help me launch harder so as to not be frying the hot dogs and ripping the rubber off the line, also once we get your car to Jerry Haas this week for some chassis tweaks all I can say is how low into the 1.3's can you and I go????

Scary to think we can both win the western swing and be point leaders in our respective classes in the central jersey and win the Wally.
Rich, can you please put those other slicks in the mail for me, I promise to pay you, when i install them (JRSRB). I need them for that E-Town meet.
Originally posted by KLHAMMETT
Rich, can you please put those other slicks in the mail for me, I promise to pay you, when i install them (JRSRB). I need them for that E-Town meet.

>>> Otto,

I have had some dicey experiences with giving people parts in CT and having them pay for them.............if ya know what I mean.

I have ordered new tires tonight and can sell ya the ones I was using, in fact have another set with little meat left on it too that I will throw in for nothing. Four slicks for one price, you can have em by weeks end if you want. Lemme know.

PS. Rome is a deadbeat.