Oil Pump Removal

Oil pump is external to the engine. Doesn't get much eashier than that.
I don't understand why you keep opening a new thread with the same issue you are having.
Here is your original thread as of yesterday http://www.turbobuick.com/forums/threads/car-wont-start.381144/
I already posted to you on what to do. At the rate of you writing new thread you will you finish repairing in 6 months.
first he posted a 'no start' thread, now he's asking how to get an oil pump apart...seem like 2 different things to me....you don't explain anything about disassembly instructions in his other thread....the guy's obviously new and looking for help, not someone to tell him how many threads he's posted and their content......... ANYWAY, 1/4" swivel sockets and extensions should do the trick....i haven't looked at the car in a few weeks, but i think the front sway bar is in the path...you could always drop it down if it is...
first he posted a 'no start' thread, now he's asking how to get an oil pump apart...seem like 2 different things to me....you don't explain anything about disassembly instructions in his other thread....the guy's obviously new and looking for help, not someone to tell him how many threads he's posted and their content......... ANYWAY, 1/4" swivel sockets and extensions should do the trick....i haven't looked at the car in a few weeks, but i think the front sway bar is in the path...you could always drop it down if it is...

Before you start to make any comments, you should first read his first thread http://www.turbobuick.com/forums/threads/car-wont-start.381144/
It started with "Car won't start", Now read the Whole Thread and you will see towards the end that he found the problem to be missing teeth on the cam sensor gear. Continue to read and you will see my comment on removal of timing chain cover since there are going to be pieces of metal and metal shaving in the oil pan, and oil pump pickup tube.
ANYWAY, telling him to use a socket to just remove the oil pump is not going to help him, when he finally repairs the oil pump, starts the engine, and hears the engine bearings screaming of metal shavings he didn't remove.

WhiskeyGN: I wrote this on your first thread:
You have to remove and inspect the oil pan, check the oil pump pickup tube, remove the timing chain cover, and inspect the oil pump to see if its seize.
While you are there replace the timing chain, both sprockets, tensioner, and front seal. You really don't need a high volume oil pump, the one that came the engine works just as good.
When all is assemble, whether you pack Vaseline in the oil pump housing or get a primer tool you still need a oil pressure gauge to see if you got oil pressure before you start the engine. If you don't know this part read this:http://www.gnttype.org/techarea/engine/tchain.html
I almost forgot, check prices for cam sensor replacement, they are expensive.
Keep us posted for your findings
The reason I started a new thread for this was so when someone else needed to pull their oil pump, they could just search for the title and not have to skim 2000 threads looking for the answer buried in another topic. And I did end up getting it with 1/4 and extensions.
The reason I started a new thread for this was so when someone else needed to pull their oil pump, they could just search for the title and not have to skim 2000 threads looking for the answer buried in another topic. And I did end up getting it with 1/4 and extensions.
I can related to what you're saying, but in your case members are looking into your first thread and applying their comments and waiting for some feedback of your findings. As I said before repairing just the oil pump is OK, but what are you going to do about the missing cam sensor teeth, or metal shavings?
Whether you are a newbie or mentor to these cars, one will read all comments, evaluate them, and see which is more feasible to the problem. In you case doing the work of repairing the oil pump leaving the missing pieces of metal and shavings will lead to replacing the main bearings.
Before you start to make any comments, you should first read his first thread http://www.turbobuick.com/forums/threads/car-wont-start.381144/
It started with "Car won't start", Now read the Whole Thread and you will see towards the end that he found the problem to be missing teeth on the cam sensor gear. Continue to read and you will see my comment on removal of timing chain cover since there are going to be pieces of metal and metal shaving in the oil pan, and oil pump pickup tube.
ANYWAY, telling him to use a socket to just remove the oil pump is not going to help him, when he finally repairs the oil pump, starts the engine, and hears the engine bearings screaming of metal shavings he didn't remove.

WhiskeyGN: I wrote this on your first thread:
You have to remove and inspect the oil pan, check the oil pump pickup tube, remove the timing chain cover, and inspect the oil pump to see if its seize.
While you are there replace the timing chain, both sprockets, tensioner, and front seal. You really don't need a high volume oil pump, the one that came the engine works just as good.
When all is assemble, whether you pack Vaseline in the oil pump housing or get a primer tool you still need a oil pressure gauge to see if you got oil pressure before you start the engine. If you don't know this part read this:http://www.gnttype.org/techarea/engine/tchain.html
I almost forgot, check prices for cam sensor replacement, they are expensive.
Keep us posted for your findings
ummmm, i did read the WHOLE thread, and CONTINUED reading, which was how i could tell that you didn't answer his question in THIS thread, before I made my COMMENT, which obviously helped him with his problem in THIS thread...so take that and stick it in your pick up tube.....:D
ummmm, i did read the WHOLE thread, and CONTINUED reading, which was how i could tell that you didn't answer his question in THIS thread, before I made my COMMENT, which obviously helped him with his problem in THIS thread...so take that and stick it in your pick up tube.....:D
Are you 2 going on 3 years of age? When you remove the pacifier, and grow up to a mans level then start to write sensible comments.
I'm done with you!!!
Are you 2 going on 3 years of age? When you remove the pacifier, and grow up to a mans level then start to write sensible comments.
I'm done with you!!!
awwww..boo hoo...take your ball and go home, and i'll continue to try to help members with their questions until I can grow up to a man's level and be a wise ass like you and keep count of who posts how many threads and the content in them....
the whole point of this forum is to help people out who are trying to get info on fixing their cars. it gets annoying when you see people with responses like 'you already posted this in a thread 2 days ago' or 'do a search, this has been answered a thousand times' or something to the effect. if you don't have helpful information then people should keep stupid comments to themselves. you had a valid question which hadn't been answered previously and i'm glad i could help. who is he to be the thread police and tell you what and when you should post in your threads??
the whole point of this forum is to help people out who are trying to get info on fixing their cars. it gets annoying when you see people with responses like 'you already posted this in a thread 2 days ago' or 'do a search, this has been answered a thousand times' or something to the effect. if you don't have helpful information then people should keep stupid comments to themselves. you had a valid question which hadn't been answered previously and i'm glad i could help. who is he to be the thread police and tell you what and when you should post in your threads??
Listen guy, I'm not going to play this word games with you; it doesn't matter if you have million post or a few. If you had any experience on a certain issue, then one can express their opinions to another person who don't know the outcome.
WhiskeyGN started a first thread and found it to be the cam sensor gears was missing and also having metal shavings in the timing chain cover (obviously).
He then posted another thread of how to remove the oil pump, to which you answered him.
All I did was to pointed out that starting a new thread on an existing one is not going to resolve his first problem might having metal shavings inside the oil pan. Yes you did help him on how to remove the oil pump, but if read the first thread and then go a little bit further, you could of told him that even if you remove and repaired the oil pump, you still might have some metal shavings in the oil pump system. You failed since you didn't mention the outcome to him.
I would think board members would agreed there is no stupid comment or questions to ask, as long it's being ask.
It's unfortunately to heard discouraging stories from outside of this great site of certain members having PMS since one can't even answer a question without being jump on and/or writing nasty comments.
You made your point, I made my point, NOW DROP IT!