ok, new WG solenoid and hoses, problems`


New Member
Sep 21, 2001
ok, i put a new WG solenoid on, the y connector and new hoses, and a new plug for the solenoid

well i'm hitting 16#'s now, but um well, its kinda spikey and it pops a few times, no knock, O2's are rich at like 850 AND it doesn't really pull worth a damn...

i have the straighter hose going to the WG and the longer curved hose going to the turbo.

Now my question is, if i connected the plug wrong could that cause problems? Coming off the harness i have a green&yellow striped wire and a peach&black striped wire, if they were hooked to the plug wrong could that cause problems?

oh and the spool time is less than desirable. Before when i hit the gas real quick the boost gauge would go right to 0 now it takes a few seconds to get out of vacumn and into boost...didn't do that before :( nor did the boost fluctuate...:(
Hmm i had your same problem replaced everything. WG solenoid hoses adjusted wg etc. Still didn't fix it. Got tired of worrying about headgaskets. So i just put it tuner style 10lbs baby. But it is cheaper on gas and headgaskets.
10#, Why even bother having a gn? To pretend it's fast? Who put the fear of god into you about blowing headgaskets? That poor car!
Fly89GTA, You say the plastic Y is hooked up how? It should be connected; the straight hose connection to the compressor housing, the angled connection to the wastegate. As for the wires, on my 87GN the pink&black go to the pin on the mounting bolt side of the soleniod.

10# "what the hell is the world comin to":D
wait wait wait, the straight vac line goes to the side of the turbo? like that little plug near the IC and the angled one goes to the wastegate under the turbo??? DOH!!!!!
ok, i dn't feel like ****ing with the hoses tonight, i guess i'll be ok driving to work tomorrow with the hoses like that right?

BTW i switch around teh wires on the solenoid..