OK, who farted?

Gary Wells

White turbo Buick trailer park trash
Mar 2, 2002
Seriously, who farted?
The South Western Section has become way too quiet.
If I farted I'd own it. I'm very proud of my flatulence. :D


Not me. My 2 cats will pretty much disown me, especially if I do it when they are stuck under the covers.

I can't hold a candle to my male cat "Dallas" though. He doesn't make a sound, but he will look at you with this evil smile just to see if you noticed. After he breaks wind, he goes and hides so he doesn't have to smell it.
I just pooped by I feel like I'm over sharing:/

Wait until you get old, every fart turns out to be a poop quite by accident, and you don't know it till it starts getting real warm down there. Now you know why old people lean to 1 side when they cut loose. They don't want to soil both cheeks at the same time.
LMAO Gary Wells!! They are advertising adult diapers for middle aged folks nowadays, world has gone mad I tell ya.
Who farted?
My normal "go to" is to blame it on the dog. However, at this time, and since he's in the room, I'm going to say that Haterade did it.:rolleyes:
That bastard is just way too quiet. He must be up to something.
Mike B.
Nobody escapes the "dutch oven".....nobody......o_O

Wait until you get old, every fart turns out to be a poop quite by accident, and you don't know it till it starts getting real warm down there. Now you know why old people lean to 1 side when they cut loose. They don't want to soil both cheeks at the same time.

After 35, ya just can't trust a fart.......

Oh-oh, I'm feeling all warm & moist down there and it's not even 6:00 A.M. yet.
I wonder if this is where the expression "She / he has a stick up her / his butt came from.
I knew a guy in high school that used to light his farts, and 1 day he basically singed all of his hair off down there.
Now that would be a funny strange feeling. Sort of like "no more dingleberries".
I dont thinks there is much to say........... im not a cool kid so I dont see much action in this here section anyhows........
Viagra's good for a youngster like yourself, it will keep you young forever.
Once you are old, it really won't bring you back.