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If cigarettes/tobacco products are taxed appropriately at the point of sale the net cost to non-smokers should be zero. The increased cost of purchase also becomes an added disincentive to smoke. The decreased demand on the health care system and the additional productivity available from generally healthier ex-smokers is then essentially free.
and if idiots were in charge(oh I forgot about obombout) We'd all be.. DRINKING THAT PINK BUBLE UP AND EATING THAT RAINBOW STEW!
I think I will become a smoker so I can get paid to quit. :eek:

Why are we rewarding idiots in this country? Next we will be paying crooks to go straight!

Study: Paying smokers to quit boosts success rate

Let me guess, you have never smoked have you Sanford. Cigarettes are as addictive as Heroine. This has been proven in many medical journals. The withdrawel is almost as bad as well.....migraines, stomach basically turns to shreds, shakes, sweats. Basically pure Hell. I have tried to quit and not made it yet. Imagine being addicted to something that everytime you do, you know you are killing yourself. If you have never walked in a man's shoes don't be so quick to judge. Screw the money, I worry about my life. :cool:
The problem is not the tobacco and not just smoking. The problem is the damn chemicals they put into them... Tobacco built NC and much of the South. I know people that have smoked pure tobacco that they roll themselves straight out of the barn. Guess what, no problems... It grows around me every year, I spent many summers messing with it in one shape or another. Water is now bad for you with all the crap they put in it:mad:
If cigarettes/tobacco products are taxed appropriately at the point of sale the net cost to non-smokers should be zero. The increased cost of purchase also becomes an added disincentive to smoke. The decreased demand on the health care system and the additional productivity available from generally healthier ex-smokers is then essentially free.
There is another 61 cents per pack tax going into place April. If beer were taxed anything near to what cigarettes are the revenue would be staggering. Alcohol is next guy's...matter of time. Smoker insurance rates are already higher than non-smoker rates and have been for years. On a side note I've watched the general population and media treat smokers as leper's while glorifying the use of alcohol in any form. Doesn't make sense to me. :confused:
Let me guess, you have never smoked have you Sanford. Cigarettes are as addictive as Heroine. This has been proven in many medical journals. The withdrawel is almost as bad as well.....migraines, stomach basically turns to shreds, shakes, sweats. Basically pure Hell. I have tried to quit and not made it yet. Imagine being addicted to something that everytime you do, you know you are killing yourself. If you have never walked in a man's shoes don't be so quick to judge. Screw the money, I worry about my life. :cool:

Correct I have never smoked & don't give a Fuk about smokers.
You could say the same argument about sX, food, driving fast almost anything.

I just cannot see giving them money for doing something they choose to do addicting or not! :mad:

let em all is thier choice.
How about you just die and we don't have to worry about contaminating the gene pool. How's that sound. ;)
The problem is not the tobacco and not just smoking. The problem is the damn chemicals they put into them... Tobacco built NC and much of the South. I know people that have smoked pure tobacco that they roll themselves straight out of the barn. Guess what, no problems... It grows around me every year, I spent many summers messing with it in one shape or another. Water is now bad for you with all the crap they put in it:mad:
Sorry, that reasoning is just wrong. Pure tobacco smoke and chew has very hazardous chemicals it that cause cancer as well as a host of other diseases. The tobacco companies just add the list.
Let me guess, you have never smoked have you Sanford. Cigarettes are as addictive as Heroine. This has been proven in many medical journals. The withdrawel is almost as bad as well.....migraines, stomach basically turns to shreds, shakes, sweats. Basically pure Hell. I have tried to quit and not made it yet. Imagine being addicted to something that everytime you do, you know you are killing yourself. If you have never walked in a man's shoes don't be so quick to judge. Screw the money, I worry about my life. :cool:

I quit cold turkey 15 years ago after smoking a pack a day for 15 years.
Didnt have all those symptoms after quiting.
I was thinking about starting again so I could get more breaks.
Getting paid helps the success rate on weight loss studies too.
Sorry about that comment man I apologize. It just hit me the wrong way being compared to a thief so to speak. I mean when you smoke anymore you are treated like a leper, and when it is something you cannot seem to quit, it makes you feel bad enough. I am sorry for what I said. :wink: