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Ouch video....when bikes turn upside down....


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Originally posted by kgouldsk
A few of these made me cringe....I keep thinking I'm going to see one of these for real one of these days.

We will scrape one of those dudes off the street about once or twice a year here. Had 2 of them die about 6 months ago. They were racing and both wrecked out. Not a lot of room for error in those crothc rockets. Ballsy guys though.
some of those guys are plain balls to the walls fearless or just really stupid. i race the circuit, i rarely stunt. and some of those things in there, like the one guy getting on one wheel get near under the car with no gear. guys like that dont deserve to be on a bike.
Hey Mark how about when they crack up, you see parts for over 200 feet, they demolish a car, and then look at you and say I wasn't going that fast.

I got no problem them doing stunts but do them where no one else can get hurt. The guy that cracked up in the abandoned parking lot :( . I feel for him I wouldn't want to crack up my car chirping tires or at the track. The guy that decided to drive underneath a car :) . Hey idiot other people could have gotten hurt.
Re: Re: Ouch video....when bikes turn upside down....

Id call it more along the lines of STUPID

Originally posted by Captain Mark
We will scrape one of those dudes off the street about once or twice a year here. Had 2 of them die about 6 months ago. They were racing and both wrecked out. Not a lot of room for error in those crothc rockets. Ballsy guys though.
We had a couple of guys that decided to race through our toll tunnel. That's no big deal if you know the layout of the tunnel. At one, when you exit the tunnel, it is a straight shot to an problem. However, at the other end the road curves and has a rise in elevation before you reach the intersection. Evidently these boys didn't know that, and reached the curve going well over 100 mph and couldn't stop in time. One guy hit a utility pole and lost a leg and an arm on impact....dead. the other guy got thrown from his bike and traveled over 100 feet and came to a rest in the middle of the intersection. Severe head injury. We careflighted him out.....he died enroute to the hospital. Bike parts ALL OVER the place. Looked like an explosion.

I like driving my car, thanks. You boys on bikes, please be careful out there.:cool:
I've been racing 1000s and 600s for a while now. I had 4 podium finishes this past year, and consider myself a decient rider.

4 things I WONT ride without.

My Alpinestars Jacket
My Alpinestars Gloves
My Alpinestars Boots
My Arai Helmet.

Here in Columbus, we usually ride in packs, and there are several of us who "screw off" whith the wheelies, ect. I absolutely refuse to ride with or around anyone who doesnt wear a helmet. I dont want to see the mess when they go down. EVERYONE who rides a sport bike goes down. If not, they arent "riding." I had some newbie stop, and make a u-turn in front of me this summer at a local "stunt park." I was doing about 60 when I noticed him stop. I swerved left, and he proceeded to turn left in front of me. I put it down to slide, vs. hitting him upright. The bikes get their rash, but we both went home with out needing a hospital.

Sure, things like this happen when you are screwing off. But in the video, if that guy had a helmet/jacket/gloves, he wouldnt be in the hospital. He'd be on the phone explaining what happened to his insurance company.........
Keep it off the streets and save it for the track. Ride responsibaly always remembering that your life is in danger and ALWAYS wear your gear! Be safe...