now for the excuses
Yes I'm aware of the dent in the hood. There are quite a few more that decided to make cameo appearances once the shiney stuff was on the car. People also seem to think that body work is the same as paint because everyone I have look at the car to critique it immediately points out the dents. I always have to say "look at the PAINT not the dents".
There is dust all over the car.
I still need to align the trunk lid.
I have not done any final wetsanding or buffing whatsoever. I did however test a small area with my buffer and some 3m fine cut rubbing compound and the results were amazing.
I obviously still have to do the bumpers, grille, headerpanel, and that little trim piece from the trunk to the rear window.
I have some paint that got onto the fenderwell that i need to clean up. I also need to clean up and polish my weld draglites (only the fronts are shown) and put those back on.
Other than that (atleast thats all I can remember) I'm done.
I learned a TON during this process. I can only liken it to bootcamp (USMC), It seemed like it took forever (it did), took way more effort than I thought it would, really hated it at the time, made mistakes, would probably not do the whole thing over again. I did however learn some valuable lifelong lessons that I'll never forget.
The nice thing about the paint is that I can now repair and retouch it whenever I want since I have mostly conquered the technique.
What do you guys think?