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Pathetic parking lot race


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Jun 1, 2001
Ok, this ‘tard that works at the same place I do was trying to tell everyone that hes beating all these cars with his 86 v6 ford Fairmont. He just went over the edge with the story about the black impala ss. So I’m sick of his bull**** and I say to him on lunch break that I will race him tonight with my field beater 88 Isuzu Trooper. So he finally shows up an hour late and I have a few of my coworkers over that wanted to see the race. My beater is nowhere near road legal with the exhaust ripped off, the windows busted out and whatnot (this car has been on its side twice). The asphalt area of the church parking lot right near my house is about 500 feet long and I said that the race is from one end to the other. He reluctantly agreed. So we line them up and he does this pathetic 5mph burnout, I say I don’t need one. So I put the trooper in 4low and sit there and wait for Scott, the flag guy, to signal. He raises his arms and I tached it up to about 5500 rpm and popped the clutch in second gear. I instantly put about 2 car lengths on him and flat shifted into third at about 5200 rpms. I flat shifted into 4th at about 35 or 40 mph and he was still two lengths back when we crossed the finish line. My ears were ringing from the missing exhaust on my field beater. Everyone who watched the race was laughing hysterically though the whole thing. So was I. The ‘tard wasn’t happy at all and said I cheated by using the 4 wheel drive :rolleyes: and that he would have beat me if I hadn’t used it. I offered to run again knowing he might beat me, but he backed down. If you think ricers sound annoying, you should hear my Trooper. Four cylinders of fury!!! :D :D :D
Nice kill dude...put a turbo on that Trooper! I used to own one, they rule.