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Pinks @Rt 66 info


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The "they" you are asking about is the photo crew that does all of the Pinks All Out events. They take all of the pictures of the people with their cars after tech, so they can have a picture of the driver with the car. They also have photographers at the starting line taking pics from qualifying off the tree. They do not take pics during the arm drops though. I'll see if I still have the receipt for the picture, and I'm sure with them being digital pics, they probably keep them all... And I will PM you their info if i do.
The "they" you are asking about is the photo crew that does all of the Pinks All Out events. They take all of the pictures of the people with their cars after tech, so they can have a picture of the driver with the car. They also have photographers at the starting line taking pics from qualifying off the tree. They do not take pics during the arm drops though. I'll see if I still have the receipt for the picture, and I'm sure with them being digital pics, they probably keep them all... And I will PM you their info if i do.

Thanks man that would be nice of you.
Hell yeah! DVR'd that one...

Nice... There was quite a few shots of me... They actually showed me in the staging lanes when they were introducing Clay, I was the one that was shaking his hand... Then, when they were explaining the arm drop, I was the one in the GN that launched against the Camaro...

Once again... Thanks for lettin me use the car Steve!!! Awesome that we actually got shown on TV!
Wasn't that steve sitting in the stands during the drivers meeting. It was an upclose shot. :)
No it was my brother Kevin with the CAT hat on. Was fun and will try to get in again if they come up here again.


that was me with the vacuum problems and over boosting -- i figured it out but havent been back to the track -- no time or cashola!!