Pizza Run to Dana point?

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Gary Wells

White turbo Buick trailer park trash
Mar 2, 2002
How many people would be interested in a pizza run to Ralph (Rafael) Vasque'z pizza shop in or around Dana Point. Ralph has offered to host us down there sometime in the near future. He will bring his Turbo-t. This sounds like a killer deal too good to pass up.
Speak up, everybody, & we need Ralph to post up a Day, like Sat or Sun, & a date & time. Post up if you would be interested.
How many people would be interested in a pizza run to Ralph (Rafael) Vasque'z pizza shop in or around Dana Point. Ralph has offered to host us down there sometime in the near future. He will bring his Turbo-t. This sounds like a killer deal too good to pass up.
Speak up, everybody, & we need Ralph to post up a Day, like Sat or Sun, & a date & time. Post up if you would be interested.

Sure, I'll put some Pizza in my mouth
grilfriends,boyfriends,wifes,lovers whatever all eat for FREE im thinking 5-05-07 maybe some pictures 4 a calender also that day theres nice parks,beaches or mountains you name it any ideas please post
The Regal is under the knife. Is it cool if I go in a Nissan Altima? Not the coolest car but I did run it at El Mirage in the middle of the night. (Scared the crap out of the wife.)
The Regal is under the knife. Is it cool if I go in a Nissan Altima? Not the coolest car but I did run it at El Mirage in the middle of the night. (Scared the crap out of the wife.)
Ralph's hosting, so it is officially his say so, but we do need something to laugh at.
This idea sounds good; perhaps I can persuade someone to drive one of my cars so I can bring both down. :wink:
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