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Please don't be dumb like me


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operator ftw
Dec 7, 2004

I paid WAY too much for this item on ebay. I Haven't received it yet so I don't know how good it is. I hadn't seen it on ebay before and since I'm just starting to take my car to pieces I jumped all over this. PLEASE don't be like me and overspend on stuff like this. :rolleyes: Go to part #7039

Just thought I'd show my stupidity to save someone else a buck or two.
We all make mistakes. In the future, take better advantage of this community BEFORE you buy, we've all BTDT, and are very experienced (and opinionated) on what to buy and how much to pay for it.

Good luck with your build.

That ain't stupid! Stupid is buying a Walboro fuel pump and hot wire......and there is one already installed in my car! Thats stupid!
Stupid is buying a complete car before you know what a TR really is, or even seeing it, or having scan tool data, or ...............
THAT is stupid! :rolleyes:
At least your mistake was $25 not a few grand.
I didn't think Dennis had any more of these books. I paid $40.00 including shipping off the Bay. I guess it's whatever-the-market-will-bear on there. Someone had to want it almost as much as you did to bid you up that high. It's a good resource to have around, though: nothing like the factory manuals. ;)
I believe in that book there are some direct photo copies of parts of the GM manuel. It's a great book to have around anyway :)
Here's the other thing...the seller is an employee of Kirban.... Scary how bidding can go through the roof on ebay when enough people get their mind set on something... I wish I could benefit that way on some of my auctions...ugh.
vader87 said:
That ain't stupid! Stupid is buying a Walboro fuel pump and hot wire......and there is one already installed in my car! Thats stupid!
Doesn't hurt to have a spare on hand now, does it ? :biggrin:
strikeeagle said:
and are very experienced (and opinionated) on what to buy and how much to pay for it.

If only I would of discovered you guys before I bought my last car, or bought my first car. (both buicks)
rodman99999 said:
Someone had to want it almost as much as you did to bid you up that high.

yeah, like the sellers friend, that he told to bid him up like that. ebay is not a buyers market, it is a sellers best friend
streetknights said:
yeah, like the sellers friend, that he told to bid him up like that. ebay is not a buyers market, it is a sellers best friend
Do you know Pete Hoffman, and that he is a crook for a fact? Whenever I buy anything: I decide what it is worth to me, and pay no more. That way: I have no "buyer's remorse" later. If someone uses "shill bidders", and goes beyond what it's worth to me, they lost a sale(and maybe get to keep the item). Had I known the book was written with keeping a T/R as original as possible in mind, I'da passed. It does have some interesting facts in it though, and I don't regret the purchase.
We're all just human

Thanks for sharing....But, I can't gaurantee I won't do something even dumber in the future. As I've grown older, I've found new directions and new ways to be dumb. Like a growing child, you just hope the child doesn't get hurt permanently....If you (we) learn from the mistake, then its not all bad :)

I made a purchase on ebay last week that didn't turn out to be exactly what I thought....I didn't read enough in to the description. :redface:
I've made a few dumb purchases on ebay, but I still love to buy things. I would say I purchase something on ebay every week. I think I really love waiting for the packages or finding them at my door when I get home. For some reason I hate going shopping at the store but I love to shop on ebay. I also purchased the Hoffman book for about $25.00 and I wasn't sorry. It has some useful info. I thnk sharing some of the dumb things we do occasionally makes us all feel a little better.
My latest was when I closed the hood on my fender apron and was pulling out of the driveway. Fortunately my son stopped me. Old age is my excuse.
re: dumb

How about closing your hood with your elbow and putting a big dent in it because you have a little grease on your hands. Only make that mistake once!

rodman99999 said:
Do you know Pete Hoffman, and that he is a crook for a fact?

no i do not, i was just kidding around, it seemed like everyone on this thread was joking around, so was i