I think they would be better served to use all that Pirate energy to MOVE to where there is food and water!
Considering they won't let us bring food and water in I would let them starve.
You can only do so much to help someone and when they don't want it you move on to someone who does.
But we never learn, never have and never will.
To the question of why we don't blow them out of the water!
That was answered in yesterdays newspaper. Unless provoked a warship cannot just blast someone out of the water and the pirates would never shoot at a warship. They just aren't that stupid.
They are in international waters and international law makes it too hard to arrest them and prosecute them. It seems warships have to abide by the law of their own country when arresting someone outside their borders in international waters. If you are in Somalia's waters then you have to transport them to their country and try them there which is useless. Unless you actually catch them in the act of piracy and can prove it you have no case. You can know they are pirates and can catch them but can you prove it was them? The cost of imprisoning, transporting and prosecuting them would be more than it's worth to most governments so it just continues.
I say have mercenaries on board non military ships armed with heavy automatic weapons and air burst style grenades and rocket launchers and just shoot them out of the water. No one left to left to go home and cry foul, problem solved.
Hit a bully back harder than he hits you and he'll stop. Works every time.