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Jun 28, 2004
there trying to buy cars, they send you check for more than the value of your asking price and you send the extra remaing balance with them when they pick up your veichal. sounds like b.s. to me , one just tried to scam me today, now I get to mess with them :D :D

these were the email address they had: <, and a name of, Margaret Campbell

just to let you guys know, thanx
MOs of scammer

They will offer to buy your car for the full price and Fedex you a cashier's check that is worth more than the agreed price, any bank will accept their check and might cleared it right away and then you give them the extra money and your car, thinking it's a done deal? noooooooo way Jose! 30 days later your account is frozen by your own bank because the cashier's check they gave you was no good! sometime it takes more than 30 days to clear everything. This scam was originally from Nigeria and I was almost a victim, as much as u want to move your car please don't fall for that Fedex envelope and fancy cashier's check, the bank will still hold you responsible.