Mr Poston sold the business several years back.

I have driven to their warehouse a few times to buy a few items as they are about a hour away and all was good.

I have not ordered from them in several years
I dont like the way they handle customers either I mean you send a fake book out saying this is your **** and have to order it from someone else if you really think about it and know what you want order it your self because they will tax you for it, I was supposedly getting a poston 93 oct chip and it came fron Quad Air that was about three years ago and I haven't barked up that tree anymore
Poston GNX style dash "YOU DON'T WANNA BUY IT"

Besides the dash being a piece of S***. When I received it ,it was missing a bulb,socket and wire for the Security Option.When I called them they said and I quote them Oh In Thethirty something dash's we sold we never included that bulb w/socket & wire attacthed nobody has the SECURITY OPTION .Well I do After charging me 7 something for the dash do you know they charged me for a bulb w/ socket (They didn't include the wire) so I had to make up my own.UNREAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GNXJAMES548 !!!!!!!!!!!
Besides the dash being a piece of S***. When I received it ,it was missing a bulb,socket and wire for the Security Option.When I called them they said and I quote them Oh In Thethirty something dash's we sold we never included that bulb w/socket & wire attacthed nobody has the SECURITY OPTION .Well I do After charging me 7 something for the dash do you know they charged me for a bulb w/ socket (They didn't include the wire) so I had to make up my own.UNREAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GNXJAMES548 !!!!!!!!!!!

I guess the guy who was doing the real GNX dash replicas doesn't realize how important he was to the community. I feel bad for people who drop a ton of cash for a product and get shafted! At this point I would rather buy a used vdo dash due to Postons rush job. I heard that one guy wanted to use diffrent gauges and they would not work with the guy. Sad because it isn't like the guy asked to interrupt a production line.:rolleyes:
yes i agree with that they very good people i have had no problems with them thanks postons
Worst Company Ever poston's THE WORST

You deal with them then ! Oh by the way did I mention they are the WORST company I've ever did business with.
Poston GNX style dash "YOU DON'T WANNA BUY IT"

Wong Dong You spend over 700.00 on a dash that looks like Woody Wood Pecker put together and then let me know how you feel !
When I first got into Buicks in 99' I had a hotair car and had a very similar situation with them. They sent me the wrong turbo,maybe for a Riv...I don't know and neither did they but it would not fit.The second one was junk and gushed oil into the downpipe on the first fire up. The 3rd was finally ok,but I sold the car shortly after and don't know how long it lasted the next guy. When all was said and done just about the whole summer had passed by..yes it took almost 3 months to resolve. I have ordered alot of other things from them with no trouble including a engine rebuild kit that was well put together.I also like their "107" camshaft in the hotair motor.I don't recommend buying a turbo from them as there are too many other choices out there but when you are new to the Buick world it is easy to make that mistake not knowing there are better choices like limit,PT etc.
Wong Dong You spend over 700.00 on a dash that looks like Woody Wood Pecker put together and then let me know how you feel !

You sure know how to make a first impression. I'll give you that much. What did you call them over there at Postons?
Poston GNX style dash "YOU DON'T WANNA BUY IT"

Well you say not good for turbo's, I knew that as there only a middle man. And i know for a fact DO NOT BUY THERE DASH.If anybody out there would want to see this dash I'm In New Jersey If you were ever thinking about ordering one.
My .02

I ordered fuel lines from Postons early last week, told me just a couple of days, by the weekend would not be a problem-that was great because I had help scheduled for the weekend setup for install. I called Friday, was told by someone else they had not shipped yet, whoever makes them was waiting on fittings and then were being drop shipped. Stuff happens, but communication is important in the retail business. Drop shipping is fine with me, as long as I get service from the vender. I should have been called to let me know my order was delayed, that way myself and my help would not have had last moment changes to be made.

I have limited experience with buying from Buick venders, and have been spreading around my purchases. So far, Full Throttle, Kirbans, G-Body, T/Tweak, SE Turbo have met or exceded my expectations. This is the first time I can think of a disappointment, and I understand this stuff happens, and its not a crisis yet. If I get them by this weekend, I will do business with them again. they have a great selection of products and I don't care if they need to drop ship all of them.

I believe in buying from the venders if the price is the same or real close (better if its lower-lol). There are too few Buick venders now, and buying directly from their sources only makes it harder for them to do business. Obviously if you find a source that financially cheaper, then go for it-I DO.
All else being equal, if the turbo is $1000 from both sources, then give our venders a chance to get a slice of the pie-they will then be able to stay in business as a T/Buick vender. Otherwise the manufacturer gets all of it, and we drive the venders out of business. I guess I am saying don't be mad because they drop ship stuff, thats business. I am ok with being mad about bad service-you have every right to be mad if your order gets fumbled.

Thanks for listening
Poston GNX style dash "YOU DON'T WANNA BUY IT"

1st Thanks for the post. 2nd I have no problem with drop shipping,it's like you stated it's the communction on postons part that su***.And as for fullthrottle & TurboTweak I agree also better then I could of asked,Great people.If you ask Eric a question he gives you a honest answer,more important a CORRECT Answer.