Going from memory here, when the kit first came out, it did indeed had a -6 An sized feed line, but, it was soon determined that this line size was too large. Our Oil Filtration kit first came out in early 1994. I believe it was around late 1995 that the line size was changed to -4 An. I purchased my very first oil filtration kit in late 1995 from, at that time, Modern Musclecar. WOOHOO.
It indeed had a -4 An feed line with the kit. That kit was still installed on my old car when I sold it to Avon in 2005. Albeit with a replacement feed line that the 120* hose end fitting seized up on after 10 years of use. But it was replaced with an off the shelf -4 An line.
After reading some posts recently, it was brought to my attention that the Oil Filtration kits' instruction manual was incorrect and needed a serious overhaul with detailed pictures. I personally went through and re-wrote the instruction manual and made the corrections. Thankfully, one of our customers sent me some recent pictures of his installation and with his blessing, we are now using those pictures in our latest revised instruction manual.
Hope this helps.