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President Bush in Iraq today


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Got to admit it...that boy...


Good time for the democrats to say, OH, NOH !, another publicity stunt !, First the aircraft carrier, now this, what next ?
Has anyone seen the video of the guys trying to shoot down the DHL Airbus with the SA-16 they pulled out of the trunk of their caprice? Well it was less than 1 week ago, about 4 miles from where Bush landed.

If you haven't here's a Link

The reason I mention is two fold:

1) Two French Journalists claim they accompanied the towelheads during this attack and one claims he is the one who shot the video.

2) I was watching CNN when they came on with breaking news that Bush had left Iraqi airspace and about 20 minutes after they got over the shock and awe that they had scooped by Fox News, they were PISSED that noone had told CNN Bush was going to bagdad.

You only have to see the actions of journalists in point #1 to know why CNN wasn't told of Bush's trip.
...our reason for being there in the first place...think about that. Our troops are volunteers, and our elected President was there to offer support. If you look at the lack of the twin towers that the New York skyline now has, and the lives that were lost, that should be enough. But idiots like you and the Dixie Chicks have the freedom to say stupid and ignorant statements all day long, and you have our troops(present and past) to thank for your freedom. By the way, three "weapons of mass destruction" fell into the wrong hands on 9/11/01 that just happened to have "American Airlines" written on the side of them. That's enough reason for the bombs to drop for me, and if you want to continue to make stupid statements on any public forum(or your kids or grandkids for that matter)then I suggest that you give your second face a name, so we that only have one face, will recognize you the next time you speak.

God bless America.

Our reason for being there??? Somebody show me proof that Iraq and Saddam had anything to do with 9/11? Just like all those weapons of mass destruction and biological weapons that Saddam had pointed right at us, there is'nt any connection! Oops, did you forget already? Bin Laden and his minions were responsible for 9/11....thats okay, we'll just go and invade the next nearest country that is on our current evil doer list. Even though Saddam was just as much a scumbag years ago when he was our boy in the mideast, fighting off the evil hordes from Iran, we did'nt see fit to get rid of him then, did we? What 's changed now? Oh thats right, it's all about bringing "democracy" to Iraq, not about those wmd's and biological weapons that for some reason we can't seem to find! Whats gonna be the excuse next month, or even next year, somebody get me a scorecard so I can keep track.

And still the bodies keep coming home in boxes (not to mention the maimed)

I sure hope our soldiers in Iraq got a good morale boost from Bush's trip, I just wish he'd have brought with him a truthful explanation of why he put them in the world's armpit in the first place!
Who do ya like............Dean or Kucinich? :p Gore's not bad.......then ya got Hillary.......a frenchman's dream. ;)
I would like to see Al Franken, seem's like there's plenty of precedent for putting a comedian in the white house. Or maybe Woody Allen, that way we can keep the womanizing motif going. Of course the first lady would be about sixteen years old, but I'm sure she'll grow into the role! :D
Does anyone think that the next (Election) Might have had alittle something to do with him spending thanksgiving over there..:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Its all abunch of B.S.

how can you tell when a politition is lying? When they open there mouths.....

There will be a (Police action)= (War) over there for many years to come... With alot more young men coming home with all kinds of short term, or long term problems.. Not to mention Dying....:( :(

I don't think it has squat to do with the next election which is 12 months away BTW. President Bush belives what he is doing is right with his heart and soul. Unlike President Clinton, President Bush dosnt base his decisions on the latest tracking poles. He does whats right for the country not some selfish need.

Umm, Stone, just my opinion, but you may be just a tad to trusting of ol' George Dubya and crew!!!

You trying to say the Monica Lewinsky thing was'nt good for the country?
Have you forgotten about the cigar retailers in the U.S. they had a nice little spike in sales! ;)

Maybe George should try something similar, what with the the economy still struggling to get out of the toilet!
I liked Gore myself. :rolleyes: After the ragheads knocked down the World Trade centers, he could have woos'd them to death and joined with the frenchmen here on the board and asked the UN to protect us. ;)
When Clinton and Gore was in office the W.T.C. was still standing. It was nine months after Bush took office when the terrorist struck. Where is Osama,Saddam,and the weapons of mass destruction? A billion plus dollars a week and nothing has been acomplished other than blowing up half of the middle east.When Bush said that they will pay I thought he was talking about the terrorist . I wonder if Dubya is going to go to Iraq in the years to come I have a feeling that the American troops are going to be there for quite a while!
I was proud he was my President on Thanksgiving Day!

I must admit, I didn't care for him one bit during his campaign. I was sickened by the vote count and our screwed-up system which allows a majority to be overruled by Electors.

That said, I am glad he was President when it all hit the fan in September, 2001. It is time we as Americans take off the bullseye we have been wearing for so long. If a few "Fair Weather Friends" get their "Chicken" feathers ruffled along the way, so be it!

I was happy to see the debt come down under Clinton, and I am dismayed to see it through the roof now. Hopefully it will be possible to devote more attention to the economy during "term two." The economy is getting better by the numbers, so there will be no excuses for the deficit to be ignored forever.

I certainly didn't vote for him last time, but I most likely will next year.

Like all families, we laugh, cry, agree and disagree, but we must be there for each other through good and bad. He is our leader, and as long as he is we should stand behind him.

Off the soap box! ;)
Originally posted by Randy Greenoe
When Clinton and Gore was in office the W.T.C. was still standing.

Barely. It's not like it wasn't bombed before. We were pretty lucky it didn't come down the first time.

Clinton could have "done something" about Osama. He was behind "blackhawk down" in somalia, the destruction of two US Embassies in Africa, the USS Cole and the Kobar Towers bombing. Sudan was going to give him to us but clinton didn't want him (except later when he lobbed some cruise missile at him and "just missed" :rolleyes: ).

We went into Iraq not because of WMD's but to send a message in the only language the muslim world understands: crushing, overwelming force.

Iraq was not behind 9/11 but that doesn't mean they wouldn't have been behind the Next 9/11 or the one after that. The US in Iraq means we won't have to worry about Iran, Syria or Saudi Arabia being the next state sponsor of terrorism.

If they are, its just a short 15 minute plane ride from our new bases in Iraq to bomb them back into next week (for us it would be the the stone age, for them it might be an improvement).
"We went into Iraq not because of WMD's but to send a message in the only language the muslim world understands: crushing, overwelming force".

Sounds familiar, where have I heard that before? Here's a hint, in the above statement, replace the word "muslim" with the word "communist" !!! Those whom cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. Looking like Vietnam all over again. :( :( :(

"Iraq was not behind 9/11 but that doesn't mean they wouldn't have been behind the Next 9/11 or the one after that. The US in Iraq means we won't have to worry about Iran, Syria or Saudi Arabia being the next state sponsor of terrorism"

So, exactly what are you saying here, people should be condemned for a crime that has'nt been committed? Is it enough that just because you perceive someone or some people as an enemy that you have the right to act as judge and jury, condemning anyone you are suspicious of without even a wiff of the facts being reviewed

Sounds to me like you've then turned into the very thing you say you're fighting against, terrorists!!!
Originally posted by lager68
Sounds familiar, where have I heard that before? Here's a hint, in the above statement, replace the word "muslim" with the word "communist" !!! Those whom cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

Umm the last time I checked we DEFEATED communism. No thanks to people like yourself who thought it was no great threat. We'd still be fearing the soviets if the Democrat party had its way in the 80's & 90's. Don't you remember the fear of nuclear destruction? A dirty bomb or even 9/11 is pretty small potatoes compared to things I was brought up to fear as a child.

Originally posted by lager68
So, exactly what are you saying here, people should be condemned for a crime that has'nt been committed? Is it enough that just because you perceive someone or some people as an enemy that you have the right to act as judge and jury, condemning anyone you are suspicious of without even a wiff of the facts being reviewed

Sounds to me like you've then turned into the very thing you say you're fighting against, terrorists!!!

Not Quite. So far in the last 2 years the US and its allies have LIBERATED 36 million people from oppresive regimes that "condemned anyone they were suspicious of without even a wiff of facts being reviewed".

We, on the other hand had the intellegence from the former Democratic administration that gave us conclusive proof that Saddam had Active WMD programs. Please see Joe Lieberman's take on the invasion of Iraq. As Al Gore's running mate and being on the senate intelligence committee he had all the "facts" Bush had (before Bush had them) and to this day says the invasion was justified.

We weren't attacked on 9/11 because we overthrow totalitarian dictators, oppress people and rule the world with an iron hand.

We were attacked on 9/11 because we represent freedom and opportunity and we were percieved as weak and unable to respond to threats. Look at the pathetic attacks since 9/11. Nightclubs, ambushes, dormatories at night, hotels, etc.

Go ahead and compare Iraq to Viet Nam :rolleyes: The more you do, more marginal the Democrat party will become.
Oh, we defeated communism did we, well maybe you're right or maybe the soviet system just collapsed under its own weight, thats not been decided yet conclusivley. However the final days in Vietnam did'nt look much like a victory to me! Nearly 60,000 casualties, and for what? Last I checked Vietnam was still a communist regime.

Some facts please on the 36 million people that America and its allies have liberated from oppressive regimes, hope you can come up with a better example than the populace we've just "liberated" in Iraq. As I stated earlier, Saddam was just as much a scumbag twenty years ago as he is now, but we did'nt see fit to "liberate" Iraq back then when he actually had wmd, but now all of the sudden he's the devil incarnate and he has to be eliminated and Iraq democratized!!!

As for the former democratic administration and thier so called "conclusive proof" of Iraqi wmd. Thiers was not the administration that had the final say on ramming this whole invasion fiasco down our throats! But dont think I'm letting Lieberman and his ilk off easy, I'm not! Here's what I have to say about him. If you're going to send our soldiers in harms way, you better damn well have your facts straight! Well what are the facts so far. NO WMD, NO BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS, just a broken shell of a country whom by all accounts was in such a weakend state militarily that its own neighbors did'nt fear them anymore! So I'm still waiting for Joe Lieberman's so called justification, but all I see are reports of dead and maimed humans, both U.S. and Iraqi (and now Spanish also)

As for your stated opinion as to why we were attacked on 9/11, I find that to be a ridicoulous generalization, however just for the sake of discussion lets say your opinion is true. One still has the rather large problem of linking Saddam and Iraq with the tragedy at the wtc. And that is my main point, there is NO conclusive link between 9/11 and Iraq/Saddam, so why have we invaded Iraq? What threat was he to us as a nation? Sitting back in one of his castles, sticking his tongue out at us and going "nyah nyah" does'nt count!

This is about the survival of OUR culture.

Those who are willing to pretend the problem will just go away are unworthy of the protection they receive from the men willing to step forward in their place. Yes... you heard me right.

Iraq had plenty of time to come clean on their weapons program. There is no denying that they did have one... they admitted to having it.

So where is the real gripe?

Bush won the election... or in the case of the liberal "majority" he stole it.

The men and women of the armed services were shown how much they were appreciated by the Democrats in the last election. Do you think for one moment they are going to vote for any Democrat candidate? Laughable... Hint: your military is not liberal! It is one of the few remaining pillars of conservative based society.

Don't even attempt to compare Iraq to Vietnam. There is no comparison. Those inDUHviduals marching in the streets spouting off against the war do not have the support of the American people. We have more folks getting killed in drivebye shootings in our own country than we have getting plinked on in the middle east. Tragic... but true!

We liberated a portion of the middle east... and we are not done.
I never said Viet Nam was a victory, I said that Iraq is no Viet Nam. The NVA/Viet Cong had the full backing and support of Russian and China.

The Soviet Union Collapsed under its own weight because WE kept THEM bogged down in afghanistan for 12 years by financing the mujahadin (and a few other conflicts).

Even the PLO et al gets Millions each year from the US and Europe to continue their fight (plus the $5K - 25K "martyrs" families were getting from Saddam and the saudis).

Unlike these three "quagmires", the thugs in Iraq are self financed. If they aren't, whoever is financing them knows he can be bombed in a moments notice. And not with cruise missiles, either. With honest to god, I see you in my view finder bombs.

I've got lots of policy problems with Bush, but National Security isn't one of them. Some of the Democrat's idea of national security is to hire more Union First Responders, I guess so they can hold the hands of american civilians AFTER a terrorist attack.
Al Franken? Now there's a traitor if I ever saw one. Hey, Hillary's back. While she was over in the war zone, she learned that the UN needs to take over the situation over there. I gotta' laugh. The democrats are pathetic. Talk about giving the enemy aid and comfort. She'll give them a motherly tuck-in. It's a shame there are so many woos's over here. Main problem is that you have to be tortured with their point of view.

I guess there's unions and I guess there's unions. Hey, did you hear the one about those almost 200 teachers in New York that are accused of child molestation but can't be fired because of UNION contracts? Makes you proud! :(