Oh, we defeated communism did we, well maybe you're right or maybe the soviet system just collapsed under its own weight, thats not been decided yet conclusivley. However the final days in Vietnam did'nt look much like a victory to me! Nearly 60,000 casualties, and for what? Last I checked Vietnam was still a communist regime.
Some facts please on the 36 million people that America and its allies have liberated from oppressive regimes, hope you can come up with a better example than the populace we've just "liberated" in Iraq. As I stated earlier, Saddam was just as much a scumbag twenty years ago as he is now, but we did'nt see fit to "liberate" Iraq back then when he actually had wmd, but now all of the sudden he's the devil incarnate and he has to be eliminated and Iraq democratized!!!
As for the former democratic administration and thier so called "conclusive proof" of Iraqi wmd. Thiers was not the administration that had the final say on ramming this whole invasion fiasco down our throats! But dont think I'm letting Lieberman and his ilk off easy, I'm not! Here's what I have to say about him. If you're going to send our soldiers in harms way, you better damn well have your facts straight! Well what are the facts so far. NO WMD, NO BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS, just a broken shell of a country whom by all accounts was in such a weakend state militarily that its own neighbors did'nt fear them anymore! So I'm still waiting for Joe Lieberman's so called justification, but all I see are reports of dead and maimed humans, both U.S. and Iraqi (and now Spanish also)
As for your stated opinion as to why we were attacked on 9/11, I find that to be a ridicoulous generalization, however just for the sake of discussion lets say your opinion is true. One still has the rather large problem of linking Saddam and Iraq with the tragedy at the wtc. And that is my main point, there is NO conclusive link between 9/11 and Iraq/Saddam, so why have we invaded Iraq? What threat was he to us as a nation? Sitting back in one of his castles, sticking his tongue out at us and going "nyah nyah" does'nt count!