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President Bush in Iraq today


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"This is about the survival of OUR culture."

I'm sorry, I thought it was about finding out why exactly we invaded Iraq?

"Those who are willing to pretend the problem will just go away are unworthy of the protection they receive from the men willing to step forward in their place. Yes... you heard me right."

I sure did hear you right, and your statement may even have some merit to it! But again, what is the reason that we invaded Iraq?

"Iraq had plenty of time to come clean on their weapons program. There is no denying that they did have one... they admitted to having it."

Well since U.N. weapons inspectors could not not find any weapons programs, and our full scale military invasion has yet to turn up any sign of weapons programs, then it seems thats exactly what they did, come clean on their weapons program! Or maybe they were just bluffing when they admitted to having had a weapons program! Whatever your point was here, its only important since this alledged weapons program was used as justification for a full scale military invasion, and since there does'nt seem to be any wmd or biological weapons, I ask you once again, why have we invaded Iraq?

"So where is the real gripe?'

The real gripe is right here if you care to reread the thread. I would simply like to know why it is that we have embroiled our soldiers in Iraq?

"Bush won the election... or in the case of the liberal "majority" he stole it.'

The Bush/Gore presidential election is not what we are discussing here. Once again I will remind you of what we are discussing. Since there is no evidence of a connection between 9/11 and Saddam/Iraq, and there is no signs of wmd or biological weapons in Iraq, why exactly have we invaded Iraq?

"The men and women of the armed services were shown how much they were appreciated by the Democrats in the last election. Do you think for one moment they are going to vote for any Democrat candidate? Laughable... Hint: your military is not liberal! It is one of the few remaining pillars of conservative based society."

You obviously have tremendous clairvoyant ability, what with knowing whats on the minds of each and every one of our military personnel, not to mention their political leanings! Perhaps you might use some of that clairvoyancy to look into the minds of those whom are actually responsible for our current "prescence" in Iraq and ask them this question, what exactly is our justifcation for invading Iraq?

"Don't even attempt to compare Iraq to Vietnam. There is no comparison. Those inDUHviduals marching in the streets spouting off against the war do not have the support of the American people. We have more folks getting killed in drivebye shootings in our own country than we have getting plinked on in the middle east. Tragic... but true!"

Okay, I wont attempt to compare Iraq to Vietnam, however I can't speak for the family members whom are seeing their children get killed or maimed in Iraq, many of these same family members lived through or served in Vietnam.
And as for the inDUHviduals marching in the street, spouting off against the war not having the support of the American people, they are Americans, and thats all the support they need to spout off about anything!

Oh, and later on today, when some of our troops are dodging RPG rounds, I'm sure they'll be comforted to know that there are more folks getting killed back home in drive by shootings then we have getting "plinked" over in Iraq! (gee, plinked, you make it seem almost cute, like a video game.)

"We liberated a portion of the middle east... and we are not done"

So tell me IRACEIT, since Saddam had no connection to 9/11 and he did'nt have any wmd and biological weapons stockpiled as both the British and Amercan people were led to believe, and since we did'nt see fit twenty years ago to "liberate and "democratize" Iraq, even though he was just as much a scumbag tyrant than as now, what is our justification for "liberating" Iraq, as you so nicely put it?????
Yeah RED REGAL, remember all those union fire fighters at the wtc on 9/11?
Not to mention all those union custodians and concierge's who lost their lives on 9/11! And dont forget about all those union laborers and construction people who cleaned up that whole tragedy, then there is the union labor thats going to rebuild that site when the time comes,! But I guess its like you say, there are unions and then there are unions! Hero today, forgotten tomorrow. But then what the heck would you know about it?

P.S. gotta love Florida. If I'm not mistaken thats a "right to work state"? Funny thing about that title though, they left something out, it should read "right to work for less"!
Ya know kucinich needs some helpers to get some money for his campaign. Sounds like you're in his camp. You could be helpful. ;)
I enjoyed reading all these comments. I would like to add one myself to all you Clinton lovers. Saudia Arabia offered Clinton Osama when they captured him. Clinton said "no thank you" even though this was after the wtc bombing (not sure if it was after cole??). So If Clinton did his God Damn job we would still have 2 towers up, many soldiers still alive and 3000 citizens. I truly feel this 9/11 should be blamed on the poor a@@ performance of our previous president and the FBI/CIA. So, Saudia Arabia expelled Osama from there and he was a loose goose. Bush has Balls, simple as that. I am proud that he is our president. He does has his faults like everybody on this planet but at least he sticks with his believes. I only ask 3 things from him.
1-) Help our industry, Tax imports to make it fair for American companies to compete so they can afford American Labor.
2-) We cooled down to mush in afg. We need to send more troops to clean house and find Osama and the others on the list.
3-)We need to work on our enviornment. We only have one planet.

We are forgetting the main issue here. We are able to have this discussion because we live in the greatest country in the world. We are fortunate to have freedom and the ability to voice our opinions, no matter how stupid some of them may be.

Here are some things that need to be said:

Before starting I need to say I am neither a Democrat or a Republican, I vote for the best candidate. Having said that, I didn't vote for either Bush or gore because I thought they both sucked.

1. Bush's trip to Iraq served many purposes. I truly believe he cares about the troops. His dad was in WW2 so I think he has some respect for the military. He did boost morale. And, it did serve as some propaganda for his campaign. It may be 12 months away but he will be able to remind people of it for the next year. I still say it took BALLS!

2. Yes, 9/11 happened under Bush's watch. But, it had been in the planning for 2 years so 15 months of the planning was under Clinton's watch. The CIA and FBI were not a focus of Clinton's administration so this is how it could happen. Many of the other terroritst acts mentioned previously were under Clinton's watch. And, anyone with any sort of education or understanding of how this country works also knows the current economy is also Clinton's fault. Does anyone find it a coincidence that the economy just happened to crash once Bush took office? Seriously, can anyone tell me that is his fault. It was 8 years of Clinton's laws and budgets that put us where we are now. Clinton's adminstration also let Iraq get away with murder (literally) for years. There was that stupid agreement in place saying the UN could send inspectors into Iraq to monitor their WMD program, which they admitted they had. When Iraq kicked out the UN inspectors some action should have been taken then but I guess Clinton was too busy self promoting and getting blow jobs to do anything country related.

3. Hillary Clinton is the biggest phoney going. Anyone who really thinks she cares probably also thinks the Detroit Tigers have a chance to win the World Series next year.

4. People who think Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 are as stupid as the people who like Hillary Clinton. They helped finance it and provided traning grounds for Bin Laden's people.

I hate when people are so hung up on party loyalty to look at what is really going on. I will vote for Bush next year, without a doubt. (unless he does soemthing major over that time like kill someone). He has balls. He did the right thing and he has stuck by his word. He said he would fight anyone who helped to harbor the terrorists and that is exactly what he is doing.

Everyone was a Bush supporter when 9/11 happened. Now, people are comfortable again and they go back to the same bitching and moaning they did before 9/11 happened. Must be nice to be able to forget 9/11 so easily. Go find one of the parents, spouses, or kids fo a person who died on 9/11. I wonder if they forgot so easily.

You know how I know the war is the right thing? The people over their fighting it and sacrificing their lives think it is right. It is easy for us to form an opinion sitting at our computers but the people fighting it think it is right so that is good enough for me. I have tremendous respect for everyone of them. They are making sure my kids and grandkids have a chance at a safe life.

God Bless America and keep our troops safe! Happy Holidays everyone.
The Bush/Gore presidential election is not what we are discussing here. Once again I will remind you of what we are discussing. Since there is no evidence of a connection between 9/11 and Saddam/Iraq, and there is no signs of wmd or biological weapons in Iraq, why exactly have we invaded Iraq?

Actually....lager68....have another lager, take a deep breath and check the first post. It's about discussing the President going to Iraq on Thanksgiving. I hope we can get back to the positive for a while.
I know enough to know that I don't know enough. Any of you work for the CIA or the White House? If not, then it's probably fair to say everyone made the best decision they could with the information they had avaliable at the time.

WMD might not have been found in Iraq, but does that mean they weren't there? I think we had info they were, but we'll probably never know. It's not like they had enough time to move them to another country like Iran or Syria :rolleyes: We practically telegraphed when we were coming. Why? Because we had to go through UN BS. That all came down to a very simple lesson in dicipline. Back up what you say. If someone doesn't follow the rules, back up what you say will happen. The only reason Baghdad didn't get destroyed and Saddam and Co. killed in the Gulf War was because the surrenderred and vowed to meet certain restrictions. Then almost immediately they stopped following the rules by shooting at our plans and restricting weapon inspectors. Meanwhile, the oil for food program ended up feeding Saddam and his troops while the masses starved. What hurt was the US was willing to back up the rules, but France and Germany wanted to contiune sending more Hallmark cards asking for Saddam to comply. :rolleyes: :mad:

Hmm, next time someone against the war complains ask them this, "Should Saddam have stayed in power?" :rolleyes:

If they say yes, they are a nutcase left wing liberal.

If they say no, then ask them for their solution to the problem!?!?!

Fact is, he is/was a brutal dictator that had killed millions of his own people. Even if WMD was a lame argument their is no doubt the world is a better place without him. As for the "our troops are getting killed" argument. Are the people of Iraq less important than the people of Nazi occupied Poland or France?

Hmm, I guess that was okay because we had more in common with those folks? :rolleyes:

Hopefully that answers the reason why we invaded Iraq. WMD may have been a lame argument, but we had our reasons. The anti-war movement is probably led mostly in part by people against war of any kind which is wrong IMO. First of all our troops signed on the dotted line knowing they might die fighting for our country. Also, wars have done a lot of good. They liberated us from the tyranny placed on us from England. It helped in slavery in the US, and end many runs by burtal dictators in other lands. I'm not trying to say all wars are good, but sometimes it's a necessary evil.

With that I say good luck to our armed forces and continue to fight for freedom thoughout the world!

Originally posted by bishir
I know enough to know that I don't know enough. Any of you work for the CIA or the White House? If not, then it's probably fair to say everyone made the best decision they could with the information they had avaliable at the time.

Amen!! Unless you have been sitting in on White House briefings, we are all just arm chair quarterbacks.
a response

So tell me IRACEIT, since Saddam had no connection to 9/11 and he did'nt have any wmd and biological weapons stockpiled as both the British and Amercan people were led to believe, and since we did'nt see fit twenty years ago to "liberate and "democratize" Iraq, even though he was just as much a scumbag tyrant than as now, what is our justification for "liberating" Iraq, as you so nicely put it?????

Because he was a mad man who lied, and continued to lie about his real intentions. He was warned many times... cruise missiles were tossed at him by Clinton himself. Even Clinton justifies our act of compassion in liberating the Iraqi people.

Saddam used the UN to cover for his real intentions. He was told "No... you can't have missiles that will fly beyond a specified distance limit because that would be offensive... not defensive." His response... build them anyway! His response... buy them from N. Korea. (This latest news was released this morning)

France supported Iraq all the way to the end. They have knowledge of the hidden intentions of this madman. The annihilation of Israel. There you go... I said it. My statement implicates the goverments of France, Russia, and the Arab counsel that desired our threats to just go away. They knew where this madman was carrying his intent.

You state he had no WMD... prove he didn't! They stated they indeed had the materials. They hid pieces of their program inside the homes of the scientists building the WMD system. One such scientist defected to Iran... and kept his secrets doing so. This program never would have been revealed had not the madman made his son in law defect to Jordan. All of the details were hidden away in boxes contained inside a chicken coup. I assume you selectively ignored this fact?

Saddam murdered his own son in law to hide his secrets, his intentions, and dreams.

We allowed many more nations than Iraq to purge and murder their populations. It is ongoing in North Korea to this day. You want to know what makes it right to rescue these nations? We as Americans have a sense of justice and morality. That is what makes this act of compassion acceptable.

You fail to see MY intentions. As a prior serviceman I seek to pass along knowledge of events that should have woken up our nation many years earlier... events ignored. We should have leveled Iran following the Beirut bombing, and the video taped murder and torture of Marine Lt Col. Higgins in '83.

We gave them many years of respite. That was a mistake. As for my comment of them being plinked at... atleast they are doing it THERE and not against helpless day traders in New York City.

Be glad I'm not the leader of this country... I would have resolved it differently. Starting with shooting Arafat "Live" via Fox News with a pearl handled .45 on the White House lawn.