The story as I remember it
When this website was brand new... yes, that long ago.
Several of us in the "Hot-Air" community wanted stats on our cars, and we contacted Buick. They couldn't tell us accurately anything other than this... (going off memory here) "all of the cars were T-types initially, and those designated to be optioned as GN's were given the required parts as they went down the line... GNs were selected of BLACK painted cars." They never tracked the VINs!
So... if you have a black T-Type, and you can find the applicable parts required to make it a GN... you can probably get away with it. Good luck finding the sandstone interior pieces... and if the Trunk lid doesn't have the GN build code placed properly (we will see that right away) those of us in the know will call you on it... and we will know you created a fake GN. :biggrin:
Personally I like the T-Type better... nobody see's it coming.