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Propane kit is in! And....


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Well guys I have some bad news. I was hit by a grandmother, and her two grandchildren today. She ran the light @ 45 mph, and there was nothing I could do. Her Monte Carlo hit the front right tire, and proceeded to bend the lower a arm and then take all the body panels out on the passengers side.

Most likely a 'total'.

This happened at 11:00 this morning. I just got back from the hospital. My head hit the center section of the t-roof, then the drivers window. Got woozy after a while, then the pain set in from the neck whip. My right hip feels funny, and the left elbow is sore, and I am having problems using my left arm.

Gramdma and the grandchildren are ok, but their car is probabbly totaled as well.

No problems with the propane tank. I didn't intend to crash test it, but now we know it will take a pretty good hit! (Actually the bottle was on the other side of the car)
Sorry to hear that. Hopefully things work out for you.

Props for being a crash test dummy on the propane end of things.
Possible Concussion


Glad everyone is essentially OK, but I hope the ER did a head Cat Scan, at least.

Your dizziness & numbness are not to be taken lightly!

If you develop a headache, or your symptoms get worse tonight, beat it back to ER. Seriously!


If we can help you in any way with the aftermath of today's misfortune, please let us know.

You've made a real contribution, so please don't "disappear" from the board.
Tim, Im sorry to hear about what happend with you, and your car...thats terrible.

If you need anything you know my phone #.....Im only 15 mins away.

Hope you feel better.....
Originally posted by JayC
Sorry to hear that. Hopefully things work out for you.

Props for being a crash test dummy on the propane end of things.

Dito, Tim you are the man taking the plunge for all of us!!! Godspeed in a quick recovery!!!
you gotta be sh!ttin me:mad: :mad: :mad: .

hope you're o.k. bud.don't hesitate to get your ass back to the hospital if you start to feel worse.head/neck injuries are not something to mess around with.

I got my system tuned up real good.
The car had been sitting in the sun for hours getting all warmed up.

I started to drive around in the 100+ sun in AZ I was nailing 3rd gear from 2500rmp thru to redline. At first I was able to get it to 840C EGT after 20 minutes of abuse the tank, line and other related parts were getting more chilled and at the end she wouldn't go over 800C. Pretty cool when your temps go DOWN while hitting it hard in the sun!
Damm that sucks bigtime. :(

Glad you and they are okay however.

45mph is a big one. :eek:

I definately would hit the ER again in a minute if anything feels funny to ya! Concussions aren't to be taken lightly.

Hope you can rest up some and heal up.

The car will still be there in a week or two. Hopefully you can fix her up.

Good luck!!!!
Guys, thanks for the kind words. I'm limping, and in some pain, but hopefully things will be ok. I'm happy the little lady wasn't killed. Had she gotted in front of me, it might have been fatal for her. Thank God...

A couple days until the insurance company makes an offer. They have copies of all the reciepts. We shall see....
Hey Import Power Fella, Big Time here. I was just sitting here in my office at my club waiting for the Brinks truck to come by when I got to thinking about you and your propane kit.....

See it's like this. Back when BigTime was BigTime Jr., BigTime use to be --> HIT'N <-- this hot chic with a rack that looks like it came from Bakers Connection if you know what BigTime means. Chic was good. Had skills in the saddle. Pleased BigTime greatly. But see this chic was against stripping. Thought it was wrong. Didn't think it was moral. Against what it stood for. For the purpose of BigTime's story, let's call her "Skilled Chic 36d"

Fast forward to 2002...see BigTime was at his club and explaining to his people how his registers at the club work. "See Fellas, this cash register here, that one is the one The Man sees, and see this one here that there is a line to use, that's for the home team" when BigTime spotted "Skilled Chic 36d" walk in. Said she was looking for the fella who hired the dancers, which would be BigTime of course. So BigTime went over...talked to "Skilled Chic 36d"...took her back into the office and --> HIT IT <-- to a Paul Oakenfold mix disc that Paul gave to Big Time when he was in town...see then "Skilled Chic 36d" said she was looking to strip at the club since she heard that the girls at BigTime's club were taking it home in wheel barrows..

See the point BigTime is making is like this.....See Import Fella, you were down on propane injection when it wasn't helping out "THE HOME TEAM". Meanwhile, fellas like Matt at Dynamic Racing, were bringing it to the people. BTW Matt my new Brinks truck driver just transfered out from New Mexico and said to stay fresh...said the company doctor said he had to change routes since he couldn't handle loading 40 bags a day at your now he's down here in South Florida on BigTime's route...see BigTime has a fork lift to help him load so it's much easier on his back....

See that brings BigTime to another point. It's like this. Big Time was on his way to the marina to take out his new 39' Baja with twin supercharged 502s.....BigTime was riding with a "FRIEND OF THE PROGRAM" down I95 in his GS430 when "FRIEND OF THE PROGRAM" had to slam on the brakes. BigTime saw a couple of Trojans come sliding out from under the front seat. BigTime said to Friend Of The Program "DDDDUUUUDDDDEEE, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"

Friend Of The Program said, "I keep those in the GS430 so when the hottys are ready to go, Friend Of The Program is prepared for battle."

BigTime said, "Take it from a BigTime fella like myself, you NEVER TIP YOUR HAND LIKE THAT!!!"

Friend Of The Program said, "What do you mean?"

Big Time said, "It's like this. See, if you're going to keep condoms in the car, you keep Magnums in the car. Otherwise you're telling Honey Baby that you're a little johnny...and Honey Baby doesn't have time for little johnny...she only has time for a fella like BigTime who needs a hose real on his hip to keep his piece at bay. See Magnums are for the big fella...Trojans are for little johnny." See you can check it out at to see what BigTime is getting at.

See Import Power Fella, you dropped your Trojan. You let the people know you are selling the Holly Hobby Propane kit. See the 25 feet of rubber hose was your Trojan. Braided line would be the Magnum. BigTime doesn't have time for rubber hose, and either does Honey Baby. Hope that helps.
OK then

That is why our kit is cheaper. Of course in our setup ther eis never high pressure built up in the line so a braided line is not necassary.
Originally posted by BigTime
a fella like BigTime who needs a hose real on his hip to keep his piece at bay.

LOL Thats one you don't hear everyday!!! :D
Originally posted by Turbo__Tim
I intend to try the two together...:) So far, with limited testing, it hasn't showed to make an improvement. Here is my little theory, and I could be wrong, I often am.

For the two systems to work together we need to accept that they control cylinder temperatures in two different ways.

(1) propane injection: Cools the intake charge. We all know that our cars can achieve higher boost in the winter.

One big factor, is that the propance makes the whole mixture more homogenous, and the burn happens faster, since there are fewer leans spots that slow the flame front down.

Also, if your actually lean, it acts as a fuel adder.
It's great to see you prowling around here Bruce! :) I like to think of you as a 'mad scientist', someone willing to try different approaches to solving problems, based on years of research, and experience.

We can all enjoy learning from your input, and I hope you will continue to offer advice. Your knowledge of the combustion process far exceeds mine, and many others. Please feel free to comment anytime! ;)
I genuinely agree, TurboTim...

If bruce was amenable to the idea, I wish he would offer a service of analyzing our DS or TurboLink printouts...for an equitable fee, of course. He could make a mint!

Like you said, his attention to the myriad details is greatly appreciated.

bruce's posts are like Joe Friday's dialogue on Dragnet..."just the facts, please!"

Yup, agree with you 100%!

A quick update:

I'm going back to work tomorrow (been two weeks). A few aches and pains, but things are looking better.

The car suffered a bent lower A-arm, and lost the fender, door and quarter panel. It should be back on the road in 2 weeks. I bought a chip from Jay, so that will be the first thing to go back in.

I'm looking for 1 Gn stock rim. Pretty sure the one that got hit is bent. Prolly be looking for the fender, and quarter panel wheel molding as well....

I'm thinkng of going to even smaller Aquamist nozzles - to .5 mm from 1 mm. This might allow the alchy system to assist the propane. I'm guessing that I might have to disable the second stage of the system on humid days as the water will already be there. We shall see...
Got to congratulate you on your irrepressible, innovative spirit!

Great to have you back!
