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Pump Controller Output Specs?


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Daniel Jost

Squirtin six
Oct 11, 2003

I am working on getting my MS3x setup to control my alcohol injection pump, What I need to know is what seems to work best for variable flow control on the Shurflo 8000 and similar pumps? I have read that 30Hz seems to be the preferred frequency from some. What I would like to know is what PWM to start the pump at, or if someone else has an opinion on what signal frequency to use?

I could probably just bench test my pump and injector nozzle to see what a certain PWM works out to be in PSI at the pump, but if someone could give me a heads up that would be great.

One thing is that the load posed by the pump is inductive. At for example 250 PSI pressure the pump I use will draw 14 amps at 14 volts applied. Thats a lot of current and if there isnt enough heatsinking, you'll cook the driver and possibly damage the board.

Not saying it cant be done, just be mindful if there is a screwup.. it will damage your ecu. Thats why a 100-200 dollar controller is far cheaper than a new ECU.

As to freq.. good luck on that one :)
Thanks razor, my pump doesn't draw that much as its only 150psi. Though my driver is able to carry 14 amps, given it will not be running for minutes at a time either. It has over current protection but I don't want to find out how well that works at full boost ;-) The transistor sits on a pretty decent heat sync and with some bench testing I will know for sure how it works. I know you don't make your money by giving away all your information you found during R&D. :-)
