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Put my foot in my mouth today.


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Have a burnout party!!!
Jul 16, 2003
Funny story...

I am thankful I know so many people at this customer site I was working at today. I was helping this one woman with a problem she was having with one of her financial programs. There was a picture of a little girl on her desk and me being a stupid man, I foolishly said "How old is your grand daughter"? OOOPs with a pissed off look on her face, she says "I'm 31, how old do you think I am?". My only response was that I thought based on her degrees and awards she had, would take years and years to acquire.

Anybody ever do something like that?
1-on a date with a hard core met fan I said "I hope the Yankees sweep them"
2-honey why did you put nasty nuts in the brownie- "I didn't make the brownies".
3-Tell your dad to call us "that’s not my dad that’s my husband"
Just a start I have done this a million times.
ASSuming is the first mistake and saying your assumption out loud is the second one.
About 10 years ago I had a friend that was in a band. He had a party and while checking out his drum set, guitars, etc. etc., I pointed to a particulary haggard guitar with an awful paintjob that he had hanging on the wall and asked something like "What's up with this ugly piece of junk?" and he said "My son made that".
I tried to backpedal, but it was just plain awkward for a little while, lol. I learned a lesson about letting things fly out of my mouth that day, haha.
I was at a girlie restaurant that I have been going to for like 15 years and the head waitress used to be a dancer way back when. Went in after not going for a while and saw her but she looked pregnant. So I asked when her kid was due and she gave me the super evil stare. I changed the subject but turns out she just got fat.
Put my foot in my mouth countless times, most of them are not safe to post on here :D. I'm slowly learning that saying nothing is the best thing to say sometimes :smile:
You should also have guessed her weight - women really love it when you do that!

As my old boss used to say, "Open mouth - change feet."
Oops.... lol. Sounded like a good save tho;)


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When I lived in Japan, was grasping the language and the words for cute and scary are pronounced just slightly different.
Tried to compliment a ladys baby and called it scary instead of cute......DOH. She was pissed, I apologized and felt like a jackass, we laughed pretty hard at that one though after it was over.

Your baby looks scary...LOL:D
Got 1 for ya

My old boss as "the zone" was a woman and had a great sense of humor. When I hired on I heard some stories but no one would tell me much until they got to know me better.
Liz was a PSM at the time.

A man came in to get some parts for his truck and also plugs for his boat. Liz was the lucky one. He told her what he wanted for the truck and boat and when she went to find them he walked to the back of the store to get some oil. When she got back she got the plug book out to look up the aplication and relized he'd walked away. She located him at the back near the oil and(believe it or not) yelled across the store to him and asked "Sir, What size is your Johnson?":eek: :eek: . As soon as it was out of her mouth she relized what she said and the store went silent. The customer, according to her, never made a comment and picked up his parts and left.
A little later she got stuck on the regester and one of the regulars got ready to pay. When she told him total he looked at her and said "Mines 9 inches". She turned red and told him she didn't know what he was talking about as her face turned crimson.

I'm not joking and if anyone in Nashville wants to see how Liz is doing I'll tell you where the last store she was.
A friend of mine dated a girl at a restaurant well i went out as friends with a friend of hers kinda double date to a tiger game and i visited her at the same restaurant they both worked at..well a year or so later i see the girl my friend dated workin the service desk at murrays so i b.s. with her for a lil bit then i get in line to pay for my parts and the cashier asks me in a kinda loud voice "whatcha talkin to her about ?" i respond in an equally loud voice oh i know her friend pretty good we went out a couple which the cashier responds "Uh Corey thats me" yeah turns out i was tellin the girl i went out with that i knew her pretty good and didnt realize i was talkin to her:eek: she was in uniform and like 15-20 lbs heavier the manager goes wow thats funny and the other customers and the service desk girl all start laughing !!:eek: i then tell her i sorry didnt recoznize her in uniform grabbed my parts and left!!!
I asked a coworker how his dad was doing...

He said a lot better now thanks, he's dead...

Opps :eek: WTF?!?! Sorry Charlie....