question on a girls looks

Check out her mother! That's what you'll be getting in 10 yrs!
That wt isn't in KG's is it??
Have you ever watched Shallow Hal? Your a douchebag. What are you like one of those douchebags from Jersey Shore or something? Now get out there in Chi town and smash it! 2003:eek:. She probably has an ass that looks like it was beaten by a bag of quarters by now.
thanks for the great response:rolleyes:

the reason I asked is because the heaviest girl I ever dated was 107lbs ok?

My teenagers are larger than that, though they are taller too. Just go, have a great time and see how things develop.

Remember, no matter how fine the girl/woman is, some guy is tired of her. Looks aren't everything.

Can you get along with her? Can she put up with you? these are way more important issues in a relationship to me.
Im NOT shallow because im one to talk..... 120 pounds to me is HELLLAAAA Skinny. I Like em like a Sir Mix-A-Lot Rap... As long as a woman takes care of her self, shes a winner in my book, no matter what....;)
simple rule of thumb is if you make the "Hang loose" sign with both hands touch your tumbs together and if her behind dont fit inbetween your to hands toss her back! :D
I disagree My ex was a 5'5 125-130 blonde, feisty,and she had an awesome body..You gotta have a girl with a nice bootie theres nothing worse than a girl jumping on your lap and her butt bone digging into ur leg, or worse your pelvic bone when ur tryin to show her what ur made of :biggrin:
Numbers dont mean a d**n thing

I used to manage a hair salon in Los Angeles a few years back, and those years gave me an INVALUABLE education on the secrets of the female species! I've known women who might be within 10 pounds of each others weight, where one might look undeniably heavy, and the other has T&A for days and everyone thinks is just drop-dead gorgeous. It all has to do with the way her body is built, and even the density of the weight in question.

Furthermore, if you know anything about women's clothes, you know how much they vary by manufacturer, style, even from top to bottom depending how she is built, which (to a degree) makes numerical size irrelevant also. Many women may wear a 5 in one dress, and a 9 in another, even from the same brand (although, if you ask her what size she is, she is sure to claim the 5 ;))

If you're asking a question like this you don't have wisdom and that's cool, but give the gal a chance. She might rock your world and you wont even see it coming. Judging a girl on "numbers" is not only unfair, its also inaccurate. And foolish. My $0.02

"No matter how ridiculously gorgeous a woman might be...somebody, somewhere, is totally fed up with her bulls**t!"
So Cleaner, I would assume that where ever you live people come in all sizes and shapes just like they do here. Therefore, I would also have to assume that you could pretty much figure out what 5'6" 125 lbs looks like as well as anybody else on this board. So therefore I would have to conclude that what you are really seeking is approval from a bunch of strangers to see this girl. How pathetic.

Dude, just how insecure are you?

Oh. My. God. What if she turns out to be less than perfect?! I mean other people might see you talking to this less than perfect girl and your life will be ruined! That's if you don't die of total embarassment first. And I'm sure you look like Brad Pitt :rolleyes:

LMFAO! This thread was kind of pissing me off until I read that...thanks! :biggrin:
That measurment/weight can go both ways.

I will say she is semi fat. I am guessing she has a big azz or gut but rest is ok
Oh hell I'll throw my two cents in.

The girls measurements and weight sounds DAYUM;) close to my wifes when we first started dating (yes she's got some italiano). Well needless to say after all that humpin' around I knocked her up:biggrin: She weighs 165lbs now. I am still obviously attracted to her cause I'm still always trying to knock her up again;) At the same time yes, it would be totally kick ass if you lost 30 lbs, but to me it's not THAT big of a deal if she doesn't. My friend's still check her out and guys still hit on her so apparently I didn't do too bad. Here's a pic. I'm sure you can tell she's got a big 'ole booty on her


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She was fat and now she's fatter! Right now he's driving a minivan with a bumper sticker that reads
" I drive a minivan, my wife is fat, put a bullet in my head"

I dont think anyone really got the correct answer

1. your a dirt bag
2. your a dirt bag

I'd say that's about right. Because of guys like him and Hollyweird, girls think they need to be size 0, be 5'10'' and weigh 100 lbs. Shut up woman and eat a steak;)
Stop being so picky because she could be the one. This thread kinda reminds me of that movie "Shallow Hal". Looks are great and all but a lot times the most beautiful picture perfect skinny chicks have the worst attitudes. There is no way know if her flower smells sweet unless you go play in her garden. Besides, you drive a Buick not a CRX...there's room oh and add some air to the passenger side air spring. :D
the reason I asked is because the heaviest girl I ever dated was 107lbs ok?

Wow! You really like them skin & bones at 107 lbs. If they were 5'8" they would be boneracks to me. To each his own. My very good friends wife (will be soon) is 5'8" & about 105 & there is nothing to here? She turns sideways & I cant see her behind a small tree! ;)
He even says I wish she had a bit more on the butt area.

When I met my wife 25 years ago she was 5'9" & 125 with decent size boobs & she was never thinner than that. Now at 50 she could lose some in the stomach area but she likes to eat. her only bad habit so I'm happy! I smoke, drink, other things at times but dont eat much so we equal out. My first wife was thin & she was a Bi*ch! Thus divorced after 1 year!
Looks are part of it but if you cant live with them & be happy longterm then it makes no difference! I'll take a great personality that makes for a Good relationship long term over the perfect model looking women that can have attitude issues from always being the pretty one & getting their way in life. They are fun for a party when your young.
Man that was a long post! Back under my rock!
Oh hell I'll throw my two cents in.

The girls measurements and weight sounds DAYUM;) close to my wifes when we first started dating (yes she's got some italiano). Well needless to say after all that humpin' around I knocked her up:biggrin: She weighs 165lbs now. I am still obviously attracted to her cause I'm still always trying to knock her up again;) At the same time yes, it would be totally kick ass if you lost 30 lbs, but to me it's not THAT big of a deal if she doesn't. My friend's still check her out and guys still hit on her so apparently I didn't do too bad. Here's a pic. I'm sure you can tell she's got a big 'ole booty on her

Everything looks good to me except the Ed Hardy douchebag t shirt. $50 for a t-shirt. lol. I hope you didnt buy her that.
Everything looks good to me except the Ed Hardy douchebag t shirt. $50 for a t-shirt. lol. I hope you didnt buy her that.

Oh dude, don't even get me started on that $50 t-shirt:rolleyes: That was a two day battle at minimum. I told her if she got that stupid shirt I was spending another 50 bucks on my car. It was the first and only ed hardy shirt she ever bought. I would have rather taken that 50 bucks and take her out and get her good and sloshed up;)