question on a girls looks

ok I am going to forward it to you now
I only have one right now
and forget whatever it says in the e-mail cause its what she sent me and like I said I am forwarding so it will be quicker for me to send

by the way my girls the girl on the right side

the girl on the left unfortunately is her roommate and she is an example of what smoking will do to you, shes very nice but shes only 19 and looks 45 from smoking
Who cares how fat she is - live a little! Go hoggin'! (Now there's a term I haven't used in a while...)

All kidding aside, don't be concerned about looks. Looks change in time; what's inside a person doesn't. Take it from me - I just lost a HOT girlfirend (I was a couple hours away from 'fiance' status) to some scumbag in Ireland. She went over there on vacation, spent 2 days with him, came home, and dumped my ass quicker than you can whistle Dixie.) Do a search under my name - it's the really looooooong thread. I just wish I had seen past my ex's outer beauty long enough to see what she was really made of. I would have learned much earlier in the relationship that I was in for a bad ride.

Just an opinion...
I hate to tell you man, but she's a fattie......

Now give me her number. ;)

I really hope you don't think she's fat. That girl is quite good looking and some of the last words I would use to describe her are "fat", "chunky", "robust", "stately", "possesing a great carriage", "a woman of some presence", or "a pudge to nudge". She is most certainly very attractive.

Oh right, here's the picture.

Tell her that the 80's called and they want theyre hair back! :D

Just kidding man, shes very prittey.


Does anyone realize how unrealistic TV show relationships have gotten these days???

The King of Queens and Still Standing both on CBS Mondays nights. There is NO-WAY in "real-life" that women that hot get with guys that fat! At least i've never seen it.

Another thing that ticks me off is the way they portray these hot women on TV saying they're lonley and can't find a date. That's so BS in "real life" that's not even a problem but I guess that's why they call it TV huh???
I thought the same thing. WHY on earth would a hot woman like that be with a fat slob like him?? lol Gotta love TV
Dayem, she is really cute! *pant pant pant*

And, FWIW, I'm totally with you guys on that whole BS on TV like they show with King of Queens. That kinda match up just doesn't happen in real life, at least not enough to portray it as "common" or "normal" or whatever.
Dude, if you are not already in your car on your way to hook up with this lady, there are probably about 400 guys on this thread about to beat you there!

But please keep in mind these excellent comments from Demon. If you intend this to be a long-time thing, you gotta think about a lot more than just looks:

Originally posted by Demon
All kidding aside, don't be concerned about looks. Looks change in time; what's inside a person doesn't. Take it from me - I just lost a HOT girlfirend (I was a couple hours away from 'fiance' status) to some scumbag in Ireland. She went over there on vacation, spent 2 days with him, came home, and dumped my ass quicker than you can whistle Dixie.) Do a search under my name - it's the really looooooong thread. I just wish I had seen past my ex's outer beauty long enough to see what she was really made of. I would have learned much earlier in the relationship that I was in for a bad ride.
thank you guys very much for all the nice compliments

Matt Weiser thank you for the advice
we are already together basically and trust me I have not forgotten any advice that was given to me by the fellow buick guys/girls

thanks alot guys

After looking at the picture I'm wondering why you even bothered to ask us. It should be a no brainer! Just do it.
help with numbers

Hello Dirtbag ... hope you don't mind a woman's help with this one. I myself am 5'5 and weigh 125 pounds - jeans size 4. I certainly don't think I am fat. I think she's probably just perfect - with some sexy curves. Who wants a girl who needs to eat a sandwich? Good luck with it ... and next time you're out hoping to meet ladies -- maybe ease up on the booze .. it may improve your memory. Take care!
Re: help with numbers

Originally posted by Doe Eyes
Hello Dirtbag ... hope you don't mind a woman's help with this one. I myself am 5'5 and weigh 125 pounds - jeans size 4. I certainly don't think I am fat. I think she's probably just perfect - with some sexy curves. Who wants a girl who needs to eat a sandwich? Good luck with it ... and next time you're out hoping to meet ladies -- maybe ease up on the booze .. it may improve your memory. Take care!

hey thanks for the input and no I dont think I need to worry about the booze since I dont drink(hate it) and Im not even 21 until March
Re: help with numbers

Originally posted by Doe Eyes
Hello Dirtbag ... hope you don't mind a woman's help with this one. I myself am 5'5 and weigh 125 pounds - jeans size 4. I certainly don't think I am fat. I think she's probably just perfect - with some sexy curves. Who wants a girl who needs to eat a sandwich? Good luck with it ... and next time you're out hoping to meet ladies -- maybe ease up on the booze .. it may improve your memory. Take care!

Looks like somebody has their panties all up in a bunch.. wow what a hostility.