question on a girls looks

Originally posted by dthrock
Hey Doug

Good to hear you found a new one, but couldnt you find one a little taller :) Get you one of those big 155 pound monsters like I got ;)


Thanks Dave, and uh....I won't tell your gorgeous wife you called her a monster...hehehe....:D
i don't like disproportionate couples, a dude that's like 6'4 with a tiny girl. Us little guys need the small ones. My ex was 5'3 and when we started dating she was about 105 and she is now about 125 and she still don't seem plump by any stretch of the imagination. she did get mad thou cause she has bigger thighs than me. As far a cup size, C's on anyting smaller than 140 is gonna seem nice and big.
5'5, 125#? 32C 26 waist? You left out the hips but dude, she sound pretty good from that description. Curvaceous is good. :) Better to have some meat on her bones than some waif whose ribs are showing thru the skin. As long as there's no 'cottage cheese' on her I'd say go for it. Even if she's a little pudgy, her personality may make you overlook that.

simple rule of thumb is if you make the "Hang loose" sign with both hands touch your tumbs together and if her behind dont fit inbetween your to hands toss her back! :D

"The Gauge" is a good guideline for some, but if I was with a girl that was that small I'd be trying to force feed her some cheeseburgers. Too thin for me.

Sorry if this sounds crass to all the women who read it. :eek:

Originally posted by Black Box
5'5, 125#? 32C 26 waist? You left out the hips but dude, she sound pretty good from that description. Curvaceous is good. :) Better to have some meat on her bones than some waif whose ribs are showing thru the skin. As long as there's no 'cottage cheese' on her I'd say go for it. Even if she's a little pudgy, her personality may make you overlook that.

"The Gauge" is a good guideline for some, but if I was with a girl that was that small I'd be trying to force feed her some cheeseburgers. Too thin for me.

Sorry if this sounds crass to all the women who read it. :eek:


this seems kind of off to me but I would of swore she said her hips were 35
I think measurements just won't tell the whole story. The only way to have your answer is to just go see her. Shape is more important than size in my opinion. I've seen chunky girls that look good because their shape is right and skinny girls that look horrible because their shape is all wrong. She sounds great to me so far and I wouldn't hesitate to go see her. Just be a tactfull gentleman if you aren't interested and just want to leave it as friends. Remember, she could see you and think "Ahh...hmm...not quite as I remember do I get out of this?" just the same as you!
My wife is 5 foot, 94lbs with a 34C cup.
I really don't mind, she could probably put on 5 to 10lbs
and just fill out a little more in the right places =)
Some where between 100 and 105 would be great!
I don't think 5"5 @ 125lbs is out of the question.
So Cleaner, I would assume that where ever you live people come in all sizes and shapes just like they do here. Therefore, I would also have to assume that you could pretty much figure out what 5'6" 125 lbs looks like as well as anybody else on this board. So therefore I would have to conclude that what you are really seeking is approval from a bunch of strangers to see this girl. How pathetic.

Dude, just how insecure are you?

Oh. My. God. What if she turns out to be less than perfect?! I mean other people might see you talking to this less than perfect girl and your life will be ruined! That's if you don't die of total embarassment first. And I'm sure you look like Brad Pitt :rolleyes:
Dud e don't listen to these guys your not a scumbag your just wanting honest opinions i cant blame you. I dated a girl who was 5'5 120 and she was hot as hell. she just didn't like the granny car. let us see some pics when you get em.
Originally posted by The Blob
Oh. My. God. What if she turns out to be less than perfect?! I mean other people might see you talking to this less than perfect girl and your life will be ruined! That's if you don't die of total embarassment first. And I'm sure you look like Brad Pitt :rolleyes:

So well said! THERE ARE NO PERFECT GIRLS! And you sure as hell better hope that the girl you ask out isn't looking for a perfect guy 'cause you ain't it! She'll never find it and neither will anyone else. You'll never be happy trying to please other people. Just please yourself and everyone else can screw off.

Well, I wouldn't consider her fat, but she isn't waif either. But look at it this way, you took time to get her number, so must be something about her you liked. I would take a good women that was so so over someone that was thinking she is all that with an attitude anyday. Mark:D
Originally posted by The Blob
So Cleaner, I would assume that where ever you live people come in all sizes and shapes just like they do here. Therefore, I would also have to assume that you could pretty much figure out what 5'6" 125 lbs looks like as well as anybody else on this board. So therefore I would have to conclude that what you are really seeking is approval from a bunch of strangers to see this girl. How pathetic.

Dude, just how insecure are you?

Oh. My. God. What if she turns out to be less than perfect?! I mean other people might see you talking to this less than perfect girl and your life will be ruined! That's if you don't die of total embarassment first. And I'm sure you look like Brad Pitt :rolleyes:

1 I dont expect her to be perfect I know I am not either
2 obviously I am not insecure about it or else I wouldnt have been able to have brought it up.
3 I dont give a **** about anyones approval over anything I want much less yours, this was out of opinion and it was to get an idea of what her body might be like
4 if I was able to guess what she looked like why would I have asked about it?
5 by the way since your being so picky I didnt say 5'6" it was 5'5"
6 maybe your the one with the insecurity if you only came on here to try and bash me and embarass me in front of anyone?
7. by the way I dont look like brad pitt but she isnt attracted to him anyway

maybe instead of wasting your time on me you should be going out and trying to find that guy/girl for yourself?

its blatantly obvious why alot of people are afraid to post things like this
there is no way you can convince me that you have never thought about looks, unless your blind
we cant fool ourselves and say looks isnt anything because it is
whats the first thing you see her personality?:confused:
good looking people will obviously get more chances with someone of the same/opposite sex then someone that isnt consider as good looking
its just facts and we have to live with it
I came on here to have a guy to guy conversation about things we know we think about but sometimes dont admit
let me guess you dont like sex either right? :rolleyes:
you seem to be in the same boat i'm in. i've only dated tiny dayum nice bodied girls.... i do have an issue with the weight stuff, its just akward for me. i just started talkin to this awesome chick with a great personality, redhead with freakles just the way i like em. but the weight has not been addressed yet... i know shes a little chubbie but i will not know for sure until saturday ....... as long as she's not shamoo i'll be ok... not to sound like a jerk either but I just have problems with it ....
Sounds like a lot of guessing in here, guys! Sounds to me like she is really hot if these measurements are really true, then I HATE HER. Granted I'm shorter and lighter but 32C is slim and well busted!She works out every day, then most of her weight are musles and breast! Sounds like the only thing slightly off the model path is the size 6 that contains the J-Lo butt. But she's got money, she is smart, she works out what else can you want. Damn that gilr is so perfect it is sickening!
ok guys I know this has taken a long ass time
but someone said they would host pics for me

so I finally got one

tell me where to send it and you guys can judge

