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Quisnos rats commercial


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Aug 2, 2002
Don't know if Quiznos (subs) is a national chain or not, but their commercial is sure bizzare:

Just click on the commercials about halfway down the page. Are they disstorted rats, hamsters or what? Strange!
I seen that too. Not real appealing for someplace that serves food!
That has to be the worst/stupid commercial I have ever seen ,
and those rats look deformed (maybe from eating the food there :eek: )
stupid commercial

i don't know what the hell those rodent things are, but they sure are irritating. That must be one of the worst marketing endeavors of all time. Every time i see that commercial i change the channel! What ever happened to just plain old "oven toasted brings out the taste"?
It is irritating to hear, and creepy to see. Those freaky bastards chase me in my dreams. :eek:

Does NOT sell the sandwich. I don't care if they think that people talking about creepy advertising makes it good advertsing.
Definately nasty. I have never liked deformed mexican rat sandwiches, which is what I think of when I see that stupid commercial.:eek:
Not a good move on their part,,my wife's co workers will not eat lunch their anymore,,how many other women are like that,,doesnt bother me ,but it is a dumb commercial
While the rats are disgusting they don't offend me nearly as much as paying 8 bucks for a sandwich and drink which was what it cost me the first and last time I went to Quiznos. Never again.
Hey Ben,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Hows things going in Cali?????????

That commercial sucks BTW!!
Re: Hey Ben,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Originally posted by JOHNDEEREGN
Hows things going in Cali?????????

That commercial sucks BTW!!

Hey Ty,

Things are ok. Send me an email or PM sometime and let me know how you're doing these days. Take care.
Last time I ate there my Italian was barely toasted, and it was kinda bland. Almost like they made some kind of change in the meat? It's not enough better than Subway to warrant the price and having to go in rather than drive thru.
Beefeater at Jason's Deli still rocks though. :cool:
NAhh that commercial is obviously intended for stoners... they will get a good laugh... get hungry.. and then go nuts looking for ANY coupon... I know its true... all my stoner friends love the place now.. :eek:
As soon as that commercial comes on I hit the remote. Gone. So far I have never seen that place but I can guarrentee you that I will never eat there if one comes around here.
I like the commercials and I think its going to prove that deformed Mexican rats can sell food. How many commercials get discussed on the internet and this is the 2nd post about them on this board. Everyone hated the Dell kid, but his commercials were proven to help Dell's sales figures go through the roof. I'd be willing to bet these commercials do the same for them. I had no clue what Quiznos was before these commercials. I thought they were like an upscale taco bell, not a sub shop.
Originally posted by cimi4749
NAhh that commercial is obviously intended for stoners... they will get a good laugh... get hungry.. and then go nuts looking for ANY coupon... I know its true... all my stoner friends love the place now.. :eek:

Not a stoner but I thought it was funny.

There's one around the corner from where we work and Lance and I have gone there for lunch a couple times. It is definitely very, very expensive but the subs I had there were excellent.
man you guys can be some pansies. wtf. "ya ill never ever go there again b/c they have rats on their commercial, they must be dirty" hahahah lmao
When I was a kid, it used to be a big deal to go to Quiznos, they were awesome......I tried them again a little while ago and it was just crap. $12 crap, that is. My response to the commercial the first time I saw it was -plain and simple- "What in the f*** am I looking at here?"

I wasn't aware that Quiznos was so widespread... years ago I was pretty certain that they were just a Colorado thing.
They aren't rats, they are some sort of monkey. Can't remember what kind. Anyway, thay are frigging hilarious! I think the website is, check out some of the other songs. Funny stuff!
That commercial broke my annoying rule.

If your commercial annoys me I won't go there or buy that product. I haven't bought any Levi Jeans or shoped at the Gap in a long time!!