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Quisnos rats commercial


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yeah, Quiznos also had that freaky commercial with the guy raised by wolves or something and showed him sucking on the wolf for milk. uuugh.

sure it makes me remember the place...remember not to eat there.
I think it is very LAME! Will say, that it does get your attention though. I don't think they are rats or monkeys but some kind of mutant whatevers. This spot had to be done by someone high or something- wonder what they thought of it when they came off that high?? I've never eaten there and with this commercial, don't care to try as it does nothing to get me in their door. Did I mention it was LAME?:rolleyes:
those commercials have to be one of the worst i have ever seen...EXTREMELY annoying! somebody on pure CRACK had to have designed such a thing...when i first saw those commercials on tv i was like "is this some sort of joke?"

I think there hilarious, Every time it comes on I laugh along with my son, We just think there funny, Stupid but funny :D
I think the commercial is funny. And, being a musician, I must add.....IMHO these rats are every bit as talented as the top country acts on tour right now!:D
They are "sponge monkeys". Don't ask what the hell that means, cuz I don't know, but thats what they are.
it is really stupid, and for a fod place, probably a bad idea, but holly crap are they funny!

I really like the moon thing on It was a bad idea, and if i had a restraunt, that wouldnt' be my mascot, but look what it has done. we are here talking about quisnos right now, and thats just want they wanted.
I hated those things the first time I saw them, I almost hid behind the couch. Now I kind of like them.

I think that is how my wife feels about me:eek:
I think it's a great commercial. 32 people have felt strongly enough to comment on it on a Buick board no less. When was the last time McDonald's commercials were discussed at such length. Get my drift yet :p
There was a whole post on the front page of about the "spongmonkeys". Basicly saying quiznos doesn't have the advertising budget the rest have so they need something to grab attention fast. And well by the response all over the internet, I think they did pretty good. I wonder if they will start offering stuffed versions of those things with a sub, sorta like a happy meal lol
Ive wasted 3 tvs with my .45 everytime that commercial comes on I shoot the bastards!