Raced new M3 BMW

josh young

May 12, 2008
Ran a new M3 BMW this evening, middle aged guy at the wheel. We both took off easy, he was given about a 1/2 car jump. The GN then proceeded to close that gap and put a couple car lengths gap on him in low gear. Let off about 50 or so then he flew by. I had to look up the specs on his car, after reading them I was impressed with how the Buick performed at 18#. Not to mention the sticker on those things are around 70K. Later!
nice kill. was he wearing gloves lol

He's probably kicking himself in the ass because they were at the cleaners when he really needed them. At least he's got a good excuse for why he lost.:D

Nice kill...
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The glove comment is spot on! I used to autox with a guy who ran a 99 M3..always had his BMW gloves while racing. We made a lot of fun of this guy...

Nice kill too! The BMWs and Mercedes kills just always feel a little better for some reason!
The M3's: Crrrrrrrrushhh them!

Someone told me to watch out for the M5's as they might be a tough kill. ...I dunno. I need to get rid of my stock converter.
Ran a new M3 BMW this evening, middle aged guy at the wheel. We both took off easy, he was given about a 1/2 car jump. The GN then proceeded to close that gap and put a couple car lengths gap on him in low gear. Let off about 50 or so then he flew by. I had to look up the specs on his car, after reading them I was impressed with how the Buick performed at 18#. Not to mention the sticker on those things are around 70K. Later!

Maybe he looked up the spec's on you,too?

Search: (Ummm....what was that?) Boxy black car fast Montycarlo... :banghead: :confused:
Those cars run mid 12's in the 1/4. I was proud of the Buick for having an extra passenger, giving him the start, and still pulling around him! This new PTC 2800 really woke the TE60 up, even on 18#'s.
What is it with these things. One tried to race me today. It had exhaust, a carbon fiber hood and trunk too. I couldn't tell you what other mods it had. He was revving up his engine behind me. It sounded like it was about to climb over me. I even let him get a HUGE run at me. As he was about to blow past me, I went into warp one and put 5 cars on him before I hit 75 mph. When we got to the next light, I couldn't tell if he had his gloves on or not, due to his dark tinted windows...
You just have to keep pounding on them when they mess with you. Eventually they will learn. ..maybe.

They probably think: "Baah! Look at this old car. He's got nothing for me." Oh yeah??