Just installed a scanmaster 2.1 a few days ago and tested the spark advance this morning. Noticed that it was 14.8 and assumed that the code 42 from looking at the old scanmaster must have been real. Tried pulling codes earlier today and no codes were stored but checked all the wiring anyway.
V-Out1 is set to Spark Control. Guess I need to go verify the timing control coming from the translator. Should I see the same voltages as when you have vout-1 set to "use setpoint"? So about 4 volts would be 18 deg? Thanks for the help!!
Just installed a scanmaster 2.1 a few days ago and tested the spark advance this morning. Noticed that it was 14.8 and assumed that the code 42 from looking at the old scanmaster must have been real. Tried pulling codes earlier today and no codes were stored but checked all the wiring anyway.
V-Out1 is set to Spark Control. Guess I need to go verify the timing control coming from the translator. Should I see the same voltages as when you have vout-1 set to "use setpoint"? So about 4 volts would be 18 deg? Thanks for the help!!