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Remanufactured motors?


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Check out Mullvaines in Peoria.
They've done some work for me and are very good.

The Price from Grooms is very good as well...
Grooms will build your motor if needed. Also if your not in a big hurry, do a search for engine builders on this broad. You will see many good builders here.
Well I called a few places yesterday and here's what I found. Mullvaines would take 3-4 weeks before they could even look at it; and another machine shop called Kalina said they could have my motor rebuilt within a working week. So, I decided to just take it to Kalina to have them check everything and tell me exactly what needs to be done to the motor. They have pretty good labor rates; $55 an hour, and it will only cost me $32 to have the block magnufluxed. I've heard some good things about them and if they give me a good price I can have my motor back within a week or two.
What do you guys think I will be able to get away with doing myself in order to save money? I know I could save $ by assebling the block and having them balance it and everything but I would rather be safe than sorry. What do you think?

talked to the machine shop the other day and found out what exactly was wrong with my motor, but didn't get any prices yet.

-Crank needs turned 20 on rods and 10 on mains
-Rods need reconditioned(of course)
-I need 1 piston due to me accidentally dropping it. But the machinest said that all of the clearances on the other pistons were consistent, but wider than the specs he had for the motor. I couldn't figure why the clearances would be wider than the factory specs.
-I have 1 bent exhaust valve, heads need minor shaving down and freshening up

The machinest explained that the bearing failure I had was NOT caused by a bad oil pump, the pump looks fine. He said he was really surpised how good the motor looks inside, he thought it had lower miles on it than it really has. But, he did tell me that there is a tiny bit of rust in one of the cylinders that looks like the car sat for an extended period of time with moisture in the cylinder. The cylinder is not pitted, just surface rust. That makes me think that the car had moisture in the oil that may be part of my bearing failure problem.

After I get the estimate from the shop I'm going to go from there and see exactly what my options are. I'm still not sure what I'm going to do.
