I see what you're saying and you would be correct if things were static in the intake. However things are not static. The fact of the mater is that air has mass and therefore inertia. Take a look at this picture that I have taken time out of my busy day to draw. Assume valve "A" and "B" are the same size and have the same flow capability. The portion underwater represents the intake and the hose represents the airflow into the intake. The water is the air. If you shut the hose off both valves will flow the exact same amount of water because they have the same pressure over them.
Now, if you turn the hose on enough to maintain the water level and start alternately opening the valves valve "A" WILL flow more water because the hose is right over it and the water will want to continue to flow that way because of inertia. Like water, air resists changes in motion.
That said I can't say for sure the PP works or not. Just looking at it it looks like a restriction. However, it's very easy to say you could go faster with a restriction if that restriction enabled you to use ALL of your cylinders to there fullest potential instead of just two. FWIW some of the guys with big blocks at the track sure
look like they'd be ALLOT faster than my old Buick.