Saturday morning we all met up at the Shell Gas Station near the track for fillup. This was the preset to the event. I went to the tower and got the results from Fridays Qualifying.. listed as follows.
Car Driver et MPH
1 2648 Jack Dilorenzo 10.146 136.26
2 5015 John Case 10.408 132.23
3 3242 Bill Zaher 10.691 125.61 (This was Joe Mooney's car)
4 7007 Jim Bennett 10.692 130.87
5 61 Shane Lansford 11.736 114.24
6 7001 Anthony Palmn 12.294 110.49
7 3459 Randy Quiggins 18.114 72.25
These where the numbers Sat AM from Fridays first round qualifying. Sat AM.. First round of eliminations it was John vs randy. Randy brought his game.. RT .102 ran 10.515 vs John Case RT .150 who ran 10.403 at 129.31 for the win. Clocks where messed up and Randy's read 154.28 MPH
Anthony Palmn was to run Bill Zaher but got the solo since Zaher had broke the previous day. JD got the Bye run being #1 qualifier and ran 10.081 at 137.48.
2nd round put JD vs Bennet. 10.264 at 135.06 for JD vs 10.760 at 128.14 for Bennet. JD got the win. Then it was John Case vs Anthony Palmn. R/T Case was .133 and a 12.422 at 120.05 vs Anthony .570 12.369 at 110.50 John pedaled the car for a win.
For the final it was JD vs Case. Case knew he had to cut a perfect light to stand a chance.. he was -.005 under and red lighted giving JD the win.. Funny how things happen.. Jack's car had a "pop" building boost.. so it was going to be a run had the redlight not happened..
I paid out 200 to JD for the win, and 100 to John Case for runner up. We didnt have any other sponsors. Next year hopefully we can have a little more $$ to spread out.
Thanks so much to all who participated, you should have recieved an Alky shirt and goody bag from me. If you didnt.. please let me know and i'll take care of it
See you in 12 months.. I have some video somewhere on the camera that needs nursing to get posted.. will try and get to it when I recover from the last week