I believe the rpm signal originates at the crank sensor, goes into the ogn module then into the harness. Goes through connector c437 I think behind the glove box. From there it goes into the dash harness and over to the fake led tach.
So it could be crank sensor, ign module, the c437 connection or any wire in between.
Do you have a scan tool to check for a maf reading at idle with the translator setup?
Could be the iacv hanging the throttle blade open excessively do to the lack of rpm.
The ECM calculates the fuel tables partly based on rpm I believe and vehicle speed. So if there is no rpm signal it is liable to do some wierd stuff trying to correct the fuel mixture.
I may be totally wrong on any or all of this info and there are hotair experts boost231, jerryl, and a general overall expert charlief1 that can be contacted.