You can type here any text you want've just put down 370' of rubber & wrecked daddy's 69 Camaro.....


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I kind if posted to see what general opinion was teens & cars on this site.....with over 60 discussion.....when I was a teen I did a lot of stupid stuff but never that far........:biggrin:
Im hiding my key to the t type. That sucks it was a nice car maybe it will buff out lol.
reminds me of "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" .....Dude, we can fix this, my dad has an excellent set of tools
When I was 16yrs old I took my Dads 11sec GN to the local street races. Won every race, made about $250 then got pulled over the last race :eek: by an undercover cop, 115mph in a 45mph. "My Dad was gone on business". The cop let me drive it home with a ticket 75 in a 55. I had to attened juvenile court 3 months later. The judge had the real info mph/racing etc. :eek: They suspended my lic for 1yr. :frown: My Dad was so pissed. :redface: lol That was like 16 yrs ago Damn!
Well I'm 19 and I own an 87 gn, I've done 1 burnout. It was around 15 feet. Once was good enough for me. Don't wanna do anything too stupid.
I kind if posted to see what general opinion was teens & cars on this site.....with over 60 discussion.....when I was a teen I did a lot of stupid stuff but never that far........:biggrin:

There is a lot of variables in this story you posted. Did the kid have permission to drive the car? Had he driven the car before? Why did he do a burnout? Was there peer pressure involved? The list goes on.

My opinion on teen driving...... or anybody for that matter....... driving is a privilege, not a right.
hahaha, I have to hide MY keys from my 11 Year old brother. IM 15! lol. I walked in the garage the other day with im reving it real high with his friend yelling go go go go go!



Inexperienced/immature kids and high HP don't mix. I had my share of stupid acts when I was younger but all my cars were mine, paid for by me, insurance, payments, gas, repairs, everything. It was imperitive for me to keep my stuff well taken care of or else I'd be out of luck. I did not have high HP till I was in my 20's and bought my first TR.

I think that each state should make it mandatory for teens to take a high performance driving class-not that stupid driver's ed we used to have. If you give them the proper tools and training, you will make them much safer on the roads- not only for themselves and their friends but for the rest of us on the road.

My neighbor is a 16 year old knucklehead that just got his license. His parents bought him an old f-150 and he's always out wrenching on it. Generally a good kid. However, he is constantly blasting music sitting in it in the driveway and when he drives it down the road all you ever hear is over-revving and burning tires. He asked me why I don't light'em up when I drive my car. I told him to wait till he needs to buy new tires or breaks something... I figure he'll learn the hard way... :)
I agree. I mean think about it. How many years of schooling do you go through to get your grade 12 in order to get a job. And in relation to driving how dangerous are most general jobs. If anything they should teach driving for 12 years.
I agree. I mean think about it. How many years of schooling do you go through to get your grade 12 in order to get a job. And in relation to driving how dangerous are most general jobs. If anything they should teach driving for 12 years.

Hah, that really made me laugh! It's not like your driving a space shuttle, it's a car. What they need to do is make the tests a bit harder so morons aren't out crashing into people.

I hate how people always think that teens are the problem. To be honest it's not, morons are morons whether your 16 or 46. Whos to say a my reaction time is going to be slower than someones thats 75 and cruising around? It's a large combination of things that cause accidents. Don't just look at age as the only factor.

Not saying that experiance doesn't help, but it seems these days nobody trys to get experiance. How do you know how to get yourself out of a spin unless you've spun before? How do you know how to keep your car from getting stuck in the snow if you havn't been stuck before?

I've messed around in parking lots many of times in the snow and I bet ya I can keep control over my vehicle better than many of people that are older than me. Last winter, my truck was rear ended (by someone older) and almost rear ended again a month later except they put their car in the snowbank instead of hitting me (once again, someone older).
When I was graduating from UTI in Phoenix back in 89, there was a kid who just started school that Monday and he had a car that daddy gave him for school. It WAS a beautiful '74 Camaro with a 468 w/nitrous and 4 speed. Dark blue with silver stripes. He pulled out of the middle entrance of the campus and turned left towards Grand Ave. while on Weldon. There was a paint and body shop next door to the school and he dumped the clutch and hit the bottle at the same time. Car fishtailed pretty bad and he could not correct, spun out and hit one of the railroad ties they used for a parking perimiter and ripped it out of the ground and that landed on a car that was waiting for customer pickup. Ruined sheetmetal and a very expensive paint job. The owner of the business was fuming and made the kid hand over his keys until his dad was contacted and the painted car repaired. He was so embarrassed that he did that in front of around 150 people or so. Cops were there pretty quick as a lot of these kids liked to show off.