So in other words the fp can effect the knock because the car isnt getting enough gas?
That is correct Is that correct?
yes maybe? You tell me if I'm right or wrong...Also, at the point that I hit the gas I hear like knocking noises that then go away..What can this be caused by?
that is calling audioable knock which is very bad. thats your pistons/ motor taking a pounding I will definitely get the regulator and the boost guage when I have some extra cash. I dont drive the car regularly so thats not a problem. I dont even drive the car more then around the block a few times, Its not registered. I dont plan on registering it till its fully restored. Also, What would be the reason for the high idle?
what the IAC at hot idle? i like mine around 25. here is a link to setting the IAC IAC Reset Procedure try that. you will have to adjust the tps after you do this. car idle around 1100...TPS I believe is fine and adjusted to .042