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New Member
Jun 25, 2003
I give up. Someone please tell me how to read knock on the scanmaster. I've tried, and cant figure it out.:confused:

Please help me. Explain like i was a child.

Thanks, Mike
Scanmaster reads Knock Retard, which is how much timing the computer is pulling out due to will be on the same display setting as O2 Millivolts....The more KR the computer is showing tho moe knock you have...if you have no KR you have no knock (assuming your knock detection system is working properly)
On the first display screen you see when powering up the unit and starting the car there is a 3 digit display which reads O2 counts and moves around a lot.

The two digit display on the right side reads out in knock retard. It is normally 00 until timing is being pulled then it will display the amount.

It will not store or log the peak amount of retard until you go over 3.0 tps value for more than a second normally WOT run.

Then it will store the low O2 value and the high KR value.

To recall the mph at which it occurred press both buttons at the same time.

Don't try this driving down the road. ;)

Resets when you kill power to the scanmaster.
Opps, thats what i meant. Knock retard. Ok, so the objective is to keep those O2 millivolts low/ Is this correct?

Thanks alot guys......
no...if the millivolt go to low then that signifies a lean condition and that's want the KR at 0 and the millivolts in a normal range (you'd have to ask someone else what a good O2 reading is I don't have a scanmaster yet, (I hate being broke)
Ok, i think im starting to understand.....

These cars are science projects;)

Thanks again.

I am by no means a specialist but the consensus seems to be to shoot for approx 820's 1st gear and 760's-780's 2nd and 3rd for O2 Millivolts. MOST IMPORTANTLY watch your knock detector.
heh never knew about recalling the MPH by pushing both buttons ... neat-0!