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School Tardy Policy


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Jun 17, 2009
Hey everyone, It is 7:45 AM and I am pretty aggravated right now. I came in late today for school, the first time in forever. My alarm just happen to forget to go off. Anyways, when entering school I approached the attendance Kiosk in the main hall. I told them my name, and why I was absent. She pulled out a detention slip, and told me that coming in late was a detention. I told her to forget it and walked out of school. Me? I am a good student, perfect attendance except for this one time. I am not here to brag about this event that took place, but I want your opinion. Do you think it is right to give kids detentions for being late to school while there are no repercussions for not coming at all? I don't think so. How about do the opposite, that would make more sense. Any kid guaranteed would pick not coming to school over a detention if they had a choice. Am I wrong like usual? What do you guys think?

Little Miffed
Take the detention and try no to be tardy any more. Pretty simple to me.
Yea, but why get a detention? I can make up my work for the day very easily. Besides, I like to keep my detention record clean. To date, I have never had one.
You really should do the right thing just for the sake of doing the right thing. How much is one detention really hurting you anyway?
Be where you are supposed to be, when you are supposed to be there will get you farther in life than being lackadaisical does.
I'd get a lawyer an sue the clock company for failing to go off and sue the school for mental cruelty. :rolleyes:

If I walked back in my house with this BS story I'd have a swift kick in the ass... BUT that was a lone time ago when ya didn't blame others for your screw ups. :rolleyes: Oh an now your here !!?? Go out an WORK :p
You will find many things in life this way... It is what it is. Rules are rules. Learn to deal with them now before more important things than detention are facing you...

It is not the schools fault you were late...
If I come in late I still have to get the same amount of work done so I have to work late. Guess that's detention?:rolleyes:

I had the same background Grumpy. I would have had my ass kicked and then be brought back to school...
What happened the days of just sliding in between 1st and 2nd period :biggrin:
What does keeping a clean detention record do for you? Nothing. So they take an hour of your time. Use it to get some homework done...

Here in KY they send kids to jail for truancy... Be happy you've only got a detention... If you don;t trust the alarm, set two of them... Make it a point to be early and you won't have any more issues...

Now, get back to school and take your detention. :cool:
I'd get a lawyer an sue the clock company for failing to go off and sue the school for mental cruelty. :rolleyes:

If I walked back in my house with this BS story I'd have a swift kick in the ass... BUT that was a lone time ago when ya didn't blame others for your screw ups. :rolleyes: Oh an now your here !!?? Go out an WORK :p

I would have had my ass kicked and then be brought back to school...

oh ya !!! forgot the nice ride back to school :p Geez.. had look over my shoulder to make sure my Mother wasn't watching me type this :biggrin:
dont like rules

payoff the detention teacher to say you served it thats the american way dude . but on the other hand im a dad with two boys that sometimes forget the way to school . and then i forget where i put there car keys for a week or two in the long run you will be taught that rules are just that rules!! do you best not to break them when your bending them .. i would of said i was late because there were no proper directions to the school remember this kid always put the fault on the rule writers not your alarm clock ...:wink:
You better stay home and get that car running,you will need to get back and forth to the hamburger stand.:p
Detentions back in the old day meant a hell of a lot more than they mean today... me... ive gotten a few, but not alot fortunately. They wont sour your records.
Guys guys guys, your missing the point. This is not about me. What I am saying is does it make sense to have detentions for only tardiness while there is nothing for not coming at all? Kids will be missing WHOLE days of school to avoid detentions. Just like I did. I don't care about myself, I can handle the extra work, I am actually pissed I missed a day of school. But a detention for 5 Minutes late? Ridiculous
That school policy makes about as much sense as those rotaries you have in Mass.:rolleyes: Get out of that State before it's too late :p
Everyone that replied is just jealous because they wish the biggest thing they had to worry about was a school detention. I know I am. Good luck in school and enjoy the time you are there.