Sean Penn's GN

Anyone remember the comedian Sam Kennisan. He was popular back in the late 80's and did a video "wild thing" with Jessica Haun the sexy secretary for the TV evanjalist Jim Baker that got sent off to prison for tax fraud or something. Anyway! Sam Kennisan was killed in a car crash in 90 or 91 while driving at excessive speeds in his 89 Turbo Trans Am. Somebody should pull up the report on his death because as I remember there is a photo of the car all mangled up but you can see the turbo trans am emblem on the fender. (Just a bit of useless information rolling around in my mind).

Sam's crash wasn't due to excessive speed. He just wasn't wearing a seat belt and an idiot crossed the centerline and hit him head on.
Also, not a turbo trans am if I remember correctly. Everybody just thinks so because of the color/hood/wheels. someone else will have to verify that for me
Yes, it was a TTA. See here.

Also, David Spade drives a GN. It is seen in the opening credits of his program (if it's still on).
It doesn't matter, and I'm not trying to be difficult here. :smile: but isn't that a GTA in the picture? not a TTA?
Nope! Gotta go with you guys. That side emblem just looks to long to be "GTA". Its gotta be "TURBO". My bad. :biggrin: I just spent a good half hour surfing on this. Can't find any official proof the car was a TTA, but, again, I think y'all are right. "type now, research later" is my motto :tongue:

There should be a weekly hanging in front of the court house of every town for drunk drivers. I'm so sick of innocent men women children families getting slaughtered because drunk idiots choose to get behind the wheel.

I remember seeing a different photo of that crash. More of a side on view that showed the emblem pretty clear as a tta. Maybe someone can come up with it.
It was a TTA, he kept trying to talk Howard Stern into buying one. In his book he details how much Sam loved his Turbo TA and bragged about how fast it was. ;)
It was a TTA, he kept trying to talk Howard Stern into buying one. In his book he details how much Sam loved his Turbo TA and bragged about how fast it was. ;)

That is correct, Sam was a GREAT comedian and had a TTA until "the day"........................................:frown: