About 60 miles out of town, I get an SES light on the highway and the car is dead at anything below 3/4 throttle. Above 3/4 throttle, it runs fine. I don't have a scan tool for this car. Possibly a TPS problem?
is it dead as in shuts off?? If that is the case then it is your fuel pump resistor. It is located behind the battery clipped onto the fender. It gets wet and starts to corrode. You can get a relocator from the dealership that puts it on your firewall. There is a way to check to see if thats it by jumping one of the relays. If I can dig up that info I will post it.
by any chance are you missing coolant?? The car will bog down like that if you blew a head gasket, lower intake gasket, TB gasket.. there are a bunch of spots it could be leaking from. Have you checked the plugs yet??