Shredded Oak


Daily Driver
May 25, 2001
Nice hole in the ground where it went in. :eek: Missed the GN and the house by 30 feet.
that's a good strike hope it lives or you'll have to take it out , that's pretty close to the house !
I know a woman who had that happen only the lightning went down the tree and found a gas line going into the house. Good thing the fire dept. responded quickly.
No gas here luckily. o_O

I was looking out the side picture window at a contractor across the street still loading his truck up in the storm, idiot. :rolleyes:

When it hit I thought he was a goner, lit up the whole area and was LOUD.

Never saw a guy run so fast that wasn't in a hurry before that lol.

That's the neighbors garage in the pic., our house is closer than that to the tree actually.

Lost power after another hit down the street took out a line, strong storms but not a tornado which I've been through 2 of now with TR's. Always interesting in New England, if you don't like the weather wait an hour....

Was a good oak tree my 100 year old father sits under it and has his cigar there everyday. :cool:

Not sure about saving it, the lightning hit the top of it and stripped it all the way to the base, about 45 feet worth, looks like a surface hit but the shreds are almost an inch deep. :(

Oaks are tough though.