Since I've had it with the French...

Dan K

Jul 1, 2002
After we're done in Iraq and the French are pi$$ed at us...why don't we just put the Statue of Liberty back on a barge and send it back across the Atlantic to France?
As much as it is a symbol of our freedom and was from a country that is as anti-american as most any other.

Just me venting....:p
In a recent poll, 30 percent of French civilians support our efforts in Iraq and said they would support the overthrow of Saddam.

Are the Democrats in congress up to 30 percent support yet?
I know the French are coming across as ungrateful for past experiences and all, but I don't know why there's so much hate towards them now. Do they really make that much of a difference either way? Support would be great, but still, come on, they don't really swing that much power in the grand scheme of things. Besides, the U.S. was founded on allowing people to have varying opinions, as long as they don't infringe on others' rights. I don't begrudge them for disagreeing, although I personally feel their motives are selfish. Their perogative to have that position, they're their own country. Doesn't mean we have to like them though. We just have to be big enough to let it be water under the bridge. Funny how the younger country has to be more mature. ;)
There are over 30,000 Americans buried on French Soil.
They died liberating her from the Germans.
The Germans had conquered France, France was a non country for a while, it was part of Germany. It was the Americans that overthrew the Germans and gave back France to the French.

Not to mention we spent a few bucks helping them after the war.

Not to mention that we were the backbone in NATO that keep the USSR contained.

The French have had it so easy for so long of course they turned into nabby pambies.

Lettem just go off and live in denile for a while and see what happens.

Now maybe we can pull out of NATO and the UN and go on with spending the money we've been wasting with these ingrates and work on some programs here at home.

The Leaders always have arrows in their backs from the jealous.
Originally posted by GN One Day...
Support would be great, but still, come on, they don't really swing that much power in the grand scheme of things.

I think you need to pay more attention to what's going on.

The French threaten to veto a second UN proposition. Knowing the French would veto, many undecided countries choose not to "stick their necks out" and vote for war. With the threat of veto and not enough votes, the resolution would never pass. So the US/UK/Spain/Portugual withdrew it.

The French are THE reason why we are going to war without the UN Security Council behind us. :mad: (And that makes us look like very bad in the eyes of the rest of the world.) They talked tough monthes ago, but when cane time for action, they surrendered.
Originally posted by GN One Day...
I know the French are coming across as ungrateful for past experiences and all, but I don't know why there's so much hate towards them now. We just have to be big enough to let it be water under the bridge.

I'm going to do a little searching and see if I can find where this quote came from (news agency, newspaper, etc...). I know I found it on another board that I visit.

"This is not about Saddam Hussein, and this is not even about regime change in Iraq or even the million people killed by Saddam Hussein or missiles or chemical weapons," Pierre Lellouche, a legislator who is close to Chirac, said in an interview. . . .

"It's about whether the United States is allowed to run world affairs and battle terrorism and weapons proliferation essentially with a small group of trusted allies," or whether many nations should have a say, he said.
I was aware of the impending veto, but I know the issue was bigger than that and that Bush would do the right thing. Like I said, the support would be an asset, but the entire situation didn't hinge on it. Like Bush said, the security council has failed in it's task, due to individual members supporting their own interests instead of acting like a council. That didn't mean the US wouldn't step up and take care of business. What I meant, but worded poorly, was in reference to them as a military power, not their UN standing.
On the Lellouche quote, I'd say that's about typical. That's the rationalization you hear from people directly supporting Saddam too. Seems to be a blanket arguement thrown out there when someone else is too scared to do what's right. Heard that Australia is even committing troops now, even though they somewhat opposed action. At least they know that time for talking is over, and even if they didn't get their way, it's time to commmit to getting it over with ASAP and lend a hand.
Remember Tony Blair wanted saddam go on TV and admit that he has lied to the world. France voted against BEFORE Iraq.


Somethings up with France and Iraq......wait and see but I'm guessing we'll get something really juicy out of this.

Hitler told his generals if there was any resistance going into France to turn around because they couldn't string themselves out that far.....look what happened there.

Good luck France.
Originally posted by Twins
Somethings up with France and Iraq......wait and see but I'm guessing we'll get something really juicy out of this.

Chirac and Hussein are old buddies.
France has nukes and the Exocet missile.
Remember the testing in the 90's?
Remember the Falklands?
You can bet there's a few Exocets on board some Iraqi fighter jets right now,courtesy of France.
As for Saddam,he's probably left town,if he has half a brain in his head.
Originally posted by UNGN
In a recent poll, 30 percent of French civilians support our efforts in Iraq and said they would support the overthrow of Saddam.

Are the Democrats in congress up to 30 percent support yet?

Yeah that 30% are the people that are actually of French descent. The other 70% are transplants from Arab countries. I am not saying this is true, but France does have an enormous Arab/Muslem population.
I was reading in one of the papers that France has probably the largest Arab/Muslem population in Western Europe. Besides the fact that France has a lot of money invested in Iraq that they stand to lose if war happens.
Please understand that I am not prejudiced against race, religion, etc. I believe everyone has a right to believe what they believe and to live a good life. But many of the Arab/Muslems are making this out to be a war against Islam and it just isnt so. This is about protecting the world from tyrants such as Saddam.