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Small tranny speedo cable leak


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Active Member
Nov 12, 2002
I noticed a small leak coming from the area where the speedo cable hooks into the side of the tranny not sure what's causing this leak I'm thinking it's either my speedo cable rounded itself off in time or the small gear in there is stripped what can it be ? Another thing to keep in mind the mph needle is bouncy and doesn't read mph as it should I'm going to b changing out the speedo cable to a new one, what speedo gear is stock for my 85 th200 4R transmission?, I currently have stock tires as well as rear end gears and would like to know of a place where i can purchase what I'm assuming is a 29 tooth gear? Is this something I can do myself or is it a job better left for a transmission specialist ?
Good links Thanx for the info where can I get a illustration of how the parts all go together assembled ? Is there a link or somethin like that where I can see a blown up of the speedo gears and bullet going into the tranny?
It's pretty simple, 1 bolt secures the Bullet. They can be a pain to remove tho', sometimes they're corroded to the Trans case. Need to protect the threads where the Cable screws on while twisting it with Vise Grips/Channel Lock pliers etc..
This came up on Google Images >> shows Driven gear & Bullet + hole in Trans, may find some Pics on this site aswell.
Thanx alot man that does help alot gives me a better idea of what I'm getting into so let me ask u mentioned protecting the threads that the speedo cable screws onto once I remove the speedo cable the threads will be exposed right? Then carefully I have to unscrew the bullet housing off without damaging the threads correct? What do you use to protect the threads while using some visegrips?
Spray it with some PB Blaster penetrant etc.. 1st & let sit. Then try to twist it back & forth.
There is a flat spot on some just after the Threads but, it's narrow. I use thin strips of Aluminum but, Plastic, Wood etc.. will work to protect the Threads. >>