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SMC Dual Nozzle Setup


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May 24, 2001
Just wanted to thank Steve for the awesome job he did updating both my SMC kits!

All brass fittings, braided lines, low alchy switch update, and dual nozzles!

Can't wait to get this installed and get some major boost with those dual nozzles!!

I'll keep posted on how it works out! :D
Geezzz! Now I am going to need another upgrade! :) I just had the in tank pump hookup fixed to the latest type. (Thanks Steve!)

Do the dual nozzles work at the same time? IOW, just to add more flow, or is this a STAGED system?

Single stage setup. Both nozzles get fed at the same time. Instead of one large one I'll be running 2 smaller ones. More flow capability while keeping the fine spray associated with the smaller nozzles.

If you have the latest upgrade all the dual nozzle setup would be is a brass T, couple more braided lines, and the 2 smaller nozzles.
Dang my car is a DRUNK!! This thing just DRINKS the alchy. I had the alchy kit WIDE OPEN with no flooding! I went through 10 bottles full of isoprophyl alchy tonight. Had it up to 22-23 psi boost with zero knock running straight 91 octane and a 17 degree Extender. Wondering if I need a little bigger nozzles? Still can't seem to flood it. I could never inject that much alchy using the NOS jet setup without flooding and falling on it's face. These fine spray nozzles make all the difference! If I remember right I'm running two # 10 nozzles. This kit has the older controller with the high speed pump mod.

Gotta go find me some denatured alchy and try a high timing chip.
So Chad, how much of an increase in boost is this worth over what you ran with the single jet setup?

So far I think about 4-5 psi. Think I can go to a little larger nozzles yet. I'm sure denatured will prove to be even better than this 70% iso. that I've been using. That's next on my list.
That is pretty impressive. I'm also currently running 70% iso with 92 octane but I may have to bite the bullet and get some denatured and another nozzle. The gains are too hard to pass up.

dual nozles?

I just ordered the kit from Steve last night ( last day of the special). I will havee to wait 3 weeks for the backlog to be filled. Is the new kit duals? I didn't think to ask him. What advance do you run on your chip? I sent my Red 107 chip to Quad Air yesterday for reprogramming to a 93 ( I am installing 52# injectors and they were sold used to me with the 107 chip, and I needed to update my ECU with new drivers for the 52's).
Re: dual nozles?

Originally posted by Ed Miklavcic
Is the new kit duals?

Kit normally doesn't come with dual nozzles. You have to specifically ask for it.
Uh, hey Mark and Chad...I thought we had discussed this via email eons ago?
(warning:crass back-slapping ahead) ~3 years ago, when Steve C. was thinging about a system, we had some email comparing of notes. I mentioned at that time it's all about atomization. You'll never achieve full potential with one, or even two nozzles.
Last week I ran 26 lbs up to 129 mph in OD, 85 degrees ambient temp, 93 octane, no knock.
It's not science, but does take 3 very specific parameters: pressure, fluid flow, atomization.
Okey, okey, back under my rock.

Yep, I remember our discussions few years ago. It's optimizing very well with the 2 small nozzles hense why I can't get it to flood wide open. Working better than the one nozzle I was using.

Gotta remember that I'm working with 91 octane fuel and 70% iso. It's light years behind even 93 octane. I just purchased 2 gal of denatured alchy last night. Going to see where that is going to take me. Currently running 23 psi all gears, 18 degrees timing, 800-780 O2's, 1 degree or less retard from zero to over 120 mph in 90 degree heat. Denatured should hopefully allow me to dial in a little more timing. Going to step it up degree by degree until I find the sweet spot. If I'm lucky I can get into the 20's WOT timing.

This dual nozzle SMC setup is light years ahead of the NOS jet setup. I could never get this fine of tuning and this much alchy injected without flooding out the spark before.
Chad, yes the multiple nozzle thing is what I recommended to Chulspa when he was designing his system. I assume, due to pricing strategy, he needed to stay with 1 coarse nozzle. Far from optimal. Neither is 2. You need a different type nozzle altogether.

I think you'll find the denatured much better, performance-wise.
Stick with 50/50, go with higher timing. I run either 25.6 or 28.
Did you get an egt meter? Shoot for mid-to-high 1600's if ya wanna run hard. Low 1600's or high 1500's for everyday beatings heh heh

Use more boost to affect lean-out first. Then, if still rich, pull out fuel one pound at a time. Depending upon ambient conditions, you should get at least 26 lbs with race timing. As air gets colder you can go higher, but remember to increase fueling, or knock-knock big time.

Hi Steve,

You did say this when we e-mailed back and forth a bit on the subject. You know that the SMC kit is just so plug and play.

I realise that you might be able to do it cheaper and possibly with a few better nozzles but I know that it wouldn't be nearly as neat and easy to install and adjust as the SMC kit.

I plan on doing the same thing as Chad with the multi nozzle setup someday. Right now though it works pretty darned good for the most of us right out of the box.

I had the stock "10" nozzle with the pump speed maxed out and it ran great(see time in sig). I've got a "15" in it now and I can only run the pump speed at a little over half way up without stumbling. It feels like power's down a little bit. I think the bigger nozzle with less pressure isn't atomizing/cooling near as well as the "10" with the pump maxed. Maybe I should go with dual 10's...but then wouldn't the line pressure be lower and atomization would still suffer? Be nice to have 2 full SMC kits with one coming on 4-5psi lower than the other! ;)
good idea..

Originally posted by Trevor
Be nice to have 2 full SMC kits with one coming on 4-5psi lower than the other!
With enough money and time.. :)