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SMC Install - washer in up-pipe


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Supporting Member
May 26, 2001
Hey all,

I installed my SMC alky kit today. Steve has got that thing DOWN. Everything went perfect except I came up short on the braided line from the tank to the up-pipe. I loosened the clamps on the bottle and moved it up - that helped a bit.

My question is about the washer in behind the nozzle in the up-pipe. Is the strategy to tighten the nozzle/fitting down so that washer squashes against the up-pipe wall, or just to snug it down so it has enough tension to keep everything tight?

After the first kit I got smart and squeezed the washer in a vice and then installed it pre-squished and tightened it down.

I think it is only in there to prevent any backsplash from going out the clearance hole in the up pipe.

I did the JB weld on both cars as well, no chance of leaks. :)
I got a stainless washer at the hardware store. It had a tighter fit around the injector, and a smaller outside diameter than the one in the kit. I like the way it fit. Don't have the size, I just tried a few until one fit the way I wanted. It didn't need to be bent much, and tightening the injector into its fitting was all that was required. Still used JB Weld on the outside.
This is what I'm asking

Originally posted by Turbo Brian
so the washer is supposed to be bent to the shape of the up pipe? :confused:

I appreciate the responses, but this is what I'm getting at. It looks like I should just snug it up (not bend the washer much) and JB Weld it?

I bent the washer. It just seemed logical. Nice tight fit and I wouldnt want that to come loose and go into the engine after it looses up from vibration. If its bend and tight it cant loosen up.
If I remember in the instructions, yeah I read them once, ;) , I think he calls it a crush washer. So I crushed it. :D
I'm gonna crush it

Went to the track today, with the washer not crushed. On the first run I could see that it was leaking (wasn't using the alky). So, I didn't get to use the alky today - I shut it off.

I'll have to tighten that down and use some JB Weld. Don't want to spray alky all over the hot engine.

Thanks for the replies,
Also that is an NPT fitting you should use a tiny bit of pipe dope on the threads. Don't get any near that small filter on the nozzle either.

Use a toothpick and put some all around the first 3 threads or so.

Good luck.
Use JB Weld as it WILL LEAK, and you won't even know it as Alky evaporates quickly and it will be dry to the touch when you check it after a run!! :rolleyes:
rather than risk stripping the threads on the nozzle fitting when tightning it up, lay the washer between the jaws of a vise that are slightly open.....lay a steel rod or socket extension on top of the washer over the opening between the jaws and tap it with a hammer and give it some curve.

If you don't have a vise, improvise a gap and do the same thing. Use the JB Weld whether it seems loose or not.
Thanks for the suggestion Steve.

I tightened it down to the point where the fitting that the nozzle screws into started to get boogered up from the contact with the pipe. Washer wasn't all the way bent, but it was all very tight. I JB Welded it and it's fine.

Now to get my car running to the point where the alky will do me some good.....
