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SMC tank install


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JC Turbo

Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2001
I'm looking for another place to mount my alky bottle any ideas or pics? Will the pump hold pressure in the line if the tank is mounted far from the up pipe? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I don't have a good pic, but I mounted my bottle up in front of where the stock air cleaner box would be, in front of the radiator support and behinf the bumber. Totally out of sight. Then (since my windshield washer pump hasn't worked in years) I connected a hose from the washer resevoir down to the cap of the alky tank. Now I have a little extra alky capacity, much easier to add alky, and everything pretty much is hidden. I did have to use some extra -4 hose I had around the garage to extend the alky line to the up pipe. I almost think the system should have been designed like this (except maybe a seperate stand alone resevoir).

Hey John...

Come over and look at my custom install. I will hook you up. It fits fine with the V4 the way I did it.

I wanna see.............
Send me a pic or a plane ticket...

Hi Mike!

I don't have a pic handy, but my install consists of a tube that is hollow, but threaded at both ends for a bolt to go into, a 90* bracket at the top, an insert into the unused hole of the upper rad top plate, and a hole drilled into the lower air deflectors' horizontal plane area just behind the rad support. I use the factory SMC hose clamps to secure the tank to the hollow tube(I remove the studs provided that are supposed to go into the shroud), I retain the tube on top with the bolt and 90* bracket which attaches into the top plate with the plastic thread sert(license plate screw insert), attach the tube to the lower deflector with a bolt and washer and viola!

Totally confused now? :D
Why, yes...yes I am, thank you very much..;)

I think I'll just wait till it comes out on DVD..
How's things old man??

Marks is similar to my custom mount. I use both of those 3/8" holes and hang a vertical bracket off them. Put another vertical bracket that uses nuts to hold the stock hose clamps with studs on the SMC bottle.

Then a side flat bracket holds the thing together with (4) 1/4" -20 allen head screws.

Bottle is held nicely next to the untouched fan shroud.

I have pics. of the brackets but not installed.

That would only confuse you even more. :D

No place to host them either. :(
Purty good up here. I only have one more guage to install on the GN and I think I will FINALLY have enough instrumentation.

I now have a bunch of extra stuff along for the ride:

Fuel Pressure Guage
Oil Pressure Guage
Water Temperature Guage
Boost Guage
EGT Meter
Direct Scan(Laptop on my custom built stand)
Boost Command
Shift Light
#2 Fuel pump activation light(on boost pod)
Switches for Fan, TCC, and Jump valve
SMC Alchy Controller
Radar Detector
Line Lock button

I have TOO MANY things to watch now! :eek:

How's things down there?

I tried to get John(JC Turbo) to come to a cool cruise today but i think his wife put a kink into his plans. :eek: :)
Just couldn't be any better....busy as hell, ain't made a dime in twenty years, but I'm hanging in there.
It's been too hot for my car though...she just don't like the summer, it seems like every year she spends her summer in the shop....


Sorry I didn't make it. We had to make a trip to Children's Hospital with the little one. Everything turned out ok, but we had to play it safe. I'll talk to you before you read this I'm sure. Wanna hit Quaker Steak nad Lube's cruise tonight?????? Clean the dust off the G.N.

Does the car run hot or what happens? You don't have a FM IC on it do you?


Glad to hear that Madison is ok! I have a work picnic today so I won't make the cruise, but if my buddy doesn't coat my driveway next weekend we will go (if you are off work). Talk to you later.

No, the car is fine, I just seem to pick summer to do up grades.
I'm not sure how it will run as far as temp, I did just install a new V2, but a new 4 core radiator and duel spal fans along with it.

I should have listened to you and got the 55's instead of the 50's while I had a chance. I do have an up graded ecm thanks to Mike Pitts.

I'll let you know how things go, last time out I out ran my wife in her Explorer, things are looking up...;)
