Snow Nitrobooster


New Member
Sep 8, 2002
Has anybody tried using this Nitrobooster in your methanol/water mix? Details below:

"Have you ever had a big race and wanted just 50 more HP? Now you can with NitroBooster – “ chemical supercharging”. NitroBooster is designed to safely increase the horsepower of your Boost Cooler by 30-50HP. It contains just the right amount of nitro methane to increase HP while not creating a lean condition. Benefits include:
1. Safely gives you an instant 30-50 HP.
2. Boosts octane characteristics.
3. Lowers engine combustion temps.

NitroBooster FAQ

1. Why nitro methane? Nitro methane donates oxygen as it is combusted – think of it as “ chemical supercharging”. It has excellent burn characteristics in that it acts as an octane enhancer with most fuels.
2. Why not just add to the fuel tank? Nitro methane is corrosive and needs system parts made from stainless steel, viton etc. adding to a fuel system made out of steel, rubber etc will corrode these parts.
3. Will it mix with water? Methanol? NitroBooster is made to mix well and stay in suspension with water and methanol.
4. What power increase can I expect? A 30-50 HP increase has been consistently demonstrated when used as directed.
5. Is it safe for my engine? NitroBooster is safe when used as directed. Of course, if the amount is increased by putting more than 8 oz per 2-qt reservoir, a lean condition will result. NitroBooster increases the octane of fuel and will reduce the chance of detonation but will cause a lean condition if you use more than directed.
supercatxr7 said:
NitroBooster FAQ

I wonder if it's just Nitropropane being repackaged.
Circle Track Magazine ran an article about it years ago. When done precisely right, they made a few more HP, but the down side was if it was slightly off, you bought engine parts. As I recall, it was also difficult to read plug to see where you were with it. Didn't look like it was worth the effort, IMO, and it's easily caught in any class where they test your fuel.
Give it a shot and let us know how it works.
When I worked at Conley's we had a customer with a Snow system and he was interested in the Nitro. I called Snow and asked about the power claims, their biggest gains were on an 1100 hp TT Mustang, they gained around 60 hp. I'm under the impression that a 400 hp Buick may not get 50hp, but maybe 20 or so. If I was running an 11.2 to 11.0 and wanted a 10 sec timeslip, I would definitely try it. A gallon of Meth/Nitro Mix for RC airplanes costs as much as 8oz. of Nitro from Snow though. The 25% Meth/Nitro sounds about right. :eek: