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Some punk azz kid with a skateboard video


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that's really f-ed come know one beat his ass down there where he was
Where'd you get that video?

Anything happen to this prick??
nothing. How do u think he got to be such a low life? By bad parenting..

I would have never let the asshole got that close to me.. He would be in hosiptal..

Originally posted by njturbo
:mad: :mad:

I wonder what his parents would say if they saw this video. :rolleyes:
...and not a single one of those p*$$y by-standers would even step in and help that dude! Crap like that makes me friggin' sick.......not ONE damn person stepped in while that guy was getting his brains knocked out by some c*nt who also just happened to have screwed up his car. Where did this video come from? Who's responsible for this stupid $h!t? I'm gonna find that kid and f**k up his program....who's with me?
The guy is in jail now. The footage was in one of the Steve-O videos, and the Steve-O staff turned a copy over to the police to "put that a-hole in jail".
Originally posted by Nick McCardle
The guy is in jail now. The footage was in one of the Steve-O videos, and the Steve-O staff turned a copy over to the police to "put that a-hole in jail".
I'm not familiar with Steve-O, but I sure am glad that a$$jack went to jail for that crap.
Originally posted by Nick McCardle
The guy is in jail now. The footage was in one of the Steve-O videos, and the Steve-O staff turned a copy over to the police to "put that a-hole in jail".

Good that is where that little Evil Mutant belongs.

Think if that was your Son getting hit on the head. Man that pisses me off:mad:
i thought the video was kinda humorus until he smacked dude with the skate board. I would have thou beat everyones ass that stood there and went "OOOHHHH" what a bunch of P******. Skate board kid would have been picking up his teeth. this is why i hate skaters. F***** losers.
Originally posted by 88 CuttyClassic
i thought the video was kinda humorus until he smacked dude with the skate board. I would have thou beat everyones ass that stood there and went "OOOHHHH" what a bunch of P******. Skate board kid would have been picking up his teeth. this is why i hate skaters. F***** losers.
That's what I'm sayin', people just f**kin' stood there. I don't know where that was filmed, but where I come from, about 15 people would've helped Mr. Skater fit that board up his a$$. You don't just stand there while someone gets unfairly and unjustly beaten. Chicken$h!ts.
Originally posted by Nick McCardle
The guy is in jail now. The footage was in one of the Steve-O videos, and the Steve-O staff turned a copy over to the police to "put that a-hole in jail".

Do you have any more details about this kid?? How long he was jailed? What exactly he was charged and convicted of? Any other charges pressed on the bystanders? Location?

Interested. Thanks for telling us this prick is in jail.
We were discussing this video on one of the other boards I frequent (, the Mixed Martial Arts board). There are a lot of bouncers on there, and more than one said that it's not at all uncommon to see someone getting the life stomped out of them outside a club and no one to steps up to help. The more people there are, the less likely it is that someone will step in. I for one would be wondering, ok, if I step in and try to help this guy, how many of the other guy's friends are going to come out of the woodwork and cave my head in?

Originally posted by 99Formula
if I step in and try to help this guy, how many of the other guy's friends are going to come out of the woodwork and cave my head in?

that my friend is a gut check. I for one don't roll solo to places like that and if i was touched i ganrentee my best friend would be in jail for murder. But If someone is getting stomped like that i'm not gonna watch it and do nothing. I've seen many fights in my life and know when someone is about to get seriously hurt, i can't stand by and watch that happend and worry about myself. Stomping is the lowest form of fighting in my opinion, i thinks its more fair to kick someone in the balls than it is to stomp on their head when they are down.

The most important thing is to not find yourself in those situations. Stay away from females, they are 90% of the cause of these types of thing. Dude got his head beat in cause of some girl's "40,000 dollar car" NOT WORTH IT!
Maybe iam wrong but i think that might of been a whole set up i mean no body did anything even after that punk left like to help that guy out, before somebody mentioned something about steve-o everybody knows him from jackass and now wild boyz so iam pretty sure that it was a whole set up with the guy getting hit. oh and where i live that doesn't happen there will be cops there real fast because it would go from a 2 man fight to a 33 man fight :D