Something for "SOMEONE'S" Conscience to ponder...................

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Let it go, I will post when I post

It will be posted when it gets posted. Period.
I will "make it known" when I do it and it will be in a different thread. It will be a stand alone thread.

Till then, and it will happen , just when I am told I can, buisness as usual.
Here is a great idea for all to ponder......

I will start by stating 48hrs was inept. Me bad, however I feel I owe NO ONE an apology for this. I do have a couple of ideas tho...

Start putting all your energy towards the ones you love and cherish. They will not always be there.

Go Xmas shopping. It is the gift of giving, not recieving that merits rewards.

Then over the next two weeks spend as much time with your cherished ones as humanly possible. (Yea I know... I got in laws too..:()

Enjoy Xmas and the holidays in general, screw the message boards and hug a family member instead. Maybe we all need a break.

I would like to request that all reveiw what is really important to each of us and concentrate on them, like our families and friends.

Merry Christmas and enjoy the holidays.:D

that was the first positive thing to come out of this edition of the national turbo inquierer.i knew this post would lead us to something,my wife told me to get my hands off of her when i gave her a hug.she thought i was....................................after all it is 11pm.bruce you are to far away for me to give you a hug but ill send you some alto reds as a token of goodwill.i will not buy another copy of the national turbo enquierer until after x mas,unless of course there is a picture of bruce on the cover with a wig and a hammer .hahahahahahahahahhaha.
Originally posted by chris718
that was the first positive thing to come out of this edition of the national turbo inquierer.i knew this post would lead us to something,my wife told me to get my hands off of her when i gave her a hug.she thought i was....................................after all it is 11pm.bruce you are to far away for me to give you a hug but ill send you some alto reds as a token of goodwill.i will not buy another copy of the national turbo enquierer until after x mas,unless of course there is a picture of bruce on the cover with a wig and a hammer .hahahahahahahahahhaha.

Evoking images of Greek gods are we?
BTW,I just found out that the server at T/B' is down.
I guess no one is immune.
Hang tough on the car.It'll be worth it when it's done.
I thought about putting my 4.5 Stage II in a mid 60's Vette.
That would be cool,but really expensive.

Originally posted by V6DVette
Can I just make a request (if ya think about it) that there be no lounge or off "Buick" related rooms? There's enuff BS on all the BB's as it is. I for one almost never read the lounge anyway.
Just share info and buy-n-sell parts. No vendor bashing. Let the other BB's do that.
Maybe a vendor rating system. If someone has a problem with a vendor they can rate a vendor good or bad. Over time it would give others a good indication as to what vendor to give their money to.
And stop all the MADNESS.
The Buick community is small enuough as it is and getting smaller all the time. It would be great if there was a BB that everyone could share in and know there would be no BS.
I don't know why the other board was started and really don't care. The knowledge is split. The community is split.
We all here have one thing in common that bring us to these BB's.
The love for these cars.
I liken it to the motorcycle community. We all ride together but us Harley riders "know" theres something special in a Harley.
We all know theres something special here.

I'm never gonna finish this car!:(

Man you guys have WAAAY too much time on your hands!!!!!!!:eek:

As quoted above, this is exactly what is "trying" to do here!!! Seems as if the "other" board doesnt like it....and opinions arise.... Posts are deleted here because they are either senseless, negative to the community or negative to the BB itself... Let me ask you this? Do you thing WE4 wants to cover your a$$ when you go around bashing his BB? I wouldnt! Changes were made to improve this board and it was stated BLATANTLY that if ya didnt like it GET OUT!!!! Everyone likes to talk S*IT! thats just how it is I guess on the "internet" why? the world will never know, it is SENSELESS!!!!! as someone stated above, NOONE wins, you're all losers in the heat of "battle"! If ya dont like whats being done, dont be here~! But dont go around telling the world that its the worst!

not pointing anyone out here indivudually, just telling it how it comes out in the overall picture

:cool: :cool: :cool:
Happy Holidays
Man you guys have WAAAY too much time on your hands!!!!!!!

It's cold out...
No heat in the garage...
I'm on vacation...
My Xmas shopping is all done...
My girl friends working...
Whats your excuse?:D

I'm never gonna finish this car!:(
bla blah bla blah bla bla blah blah bluhhh bla bla bla blah bla blah bla bla blah bla bla blah blah bluhhh bla :D

bet my post makes more sentz than most in this thread :)
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